Pakistan Today

RSS organises Sports Day

Sport is a part of society as both an educational fixture and an entertainment enterprise. Therefore besides academics, Roots School System warrants a prominent place in the educational system as it perks up the agility, endurance, and overall strength of the students. Sports and games teach a student to prepare for the highs of success and deal with the lows of failure. Roots School System held sports extravaganza to mark the significance of this day where students took part in an assortment of games i.e. banana race, balloon race, orange peeling race, jacket race, snack race.
Rootsians participated with full zeal and enthusiasm. RSS ED Walid Mushtaq presented trophies and congratulated the winners by saying that sports could be a powerful agent for change that should be leveraged by students to drive significant positive development and progress in a social and economic context. The rules of the game transcend differences and inequality and help redefine success and performance.

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