Pakistan Today

Award for Chinoy

This is to congratulate Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy for winning an Oscar for her documentary ‘Saving Face’. This is the first Oscar Award for Pakistan. The subject of the film was based on criminal acts of throwing acid on women. She has highlighted an ugly reality of our society. People (women) like her make us all proud Pakistanis. She has put film industry of Pakistan on the world map. Her acceptance speech was brilliant. She dedicated her award to the women working on female issue.

Marvi Memon has the credit of introducing the bill in the House regarding these atrocities. The legislation has been passed by the House and Senate. The credit goes to these brave and bold women for their struggle to help the victims of acid assaults.

This Oscar will help in promoting the women’s cause against such crimes and criminals. Sharmeen deserves all the glory.



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