Say hello to a JI-free PU!


In what is being described as a beginning of a new ear for the historic Punjab University (PU), Tanzeem-e-Asataza, a pro- Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) teachers’ group, has been defeated by a group of neutral teachers, the Teachers Front (TF).
“This is a lesson that the politics of weapon, torture, extremism and hypocrisy have to end one day,” a professor said, adding “we have struggled very hard for this moment.”
“This is the end of Mansoora politics at the PU,” another professor said, “this is a new era for the varsity.”
On the other hand, the PU community celebrated the event and said it was a proof PU had started changing and the teachers were the ones who had heralded it. TF won the ASA elections that were held on the varsity on Wednesday. It is important to mention here that some PU teachers in 2003 including PU’s sitting VC Professor Dr Mujahid Kamran, Professor Dr Shokat Ali, Dr Mujahid Manssor, Dr Auranzaib Alamgir and some others framed a group with title of Teachers Front with the aim to rid the university of pro-JI teachers’ control. It was only after eight years that they were able to clean-sweep the elections.
The TA has been accused of recruiting pro-JI teachers and of encouraging students of the Islami Jamiat-e-Taliba to create lawlessness on the varsity to achieve their own ends.
Third divisioners and plagiarists were also being appointed as deans, chairmen and directors and they resorted to instigating IJT to retain pressure against any move against them.
ELECTIONS RESULT: This year from TA, Dr Maher Saeed Akhtar contested for the position of president and he secured 209 votes while TF candidate Amir Sarwer got 341 votes. For the position of General Secretary Dr Javaid Sami of TF secured 376 votes while his opponent Kamran Mirza got 163 votes. For the position of Vice President (Male) TF’s Dr Ahsan Shrif got 335 votes while his competitor Muhammad Ramzan secured 213 votes, for VP (Female) TF’s Dr Abida Hussain secured 333 votes while his competitors Abida Latif secured 214 votes. For joint secretary TF’s Farhan Ahmad got 342 votes while his opponents Nadeem Sheikh secured 196 votes. For Treeasure Dr Hafiz Moqeet Bhatti of TF Secured 334 while his opponent Munawer Iqbal secured 201 votes.
“We will be able to perform our duties freely now,” PU Member Syndicate Professor Dr Shokat said.
“We never thought that they’ll defeat the TA. Our struggle has finally bore fruit,” said Dr Munaer Sabir of the Geography Department. He said the credit of the victory went to the PU VC Dr Mujahid Kamran who had not only promoted a research culture but his efforts had also brought a revolution at varsity. “This is our gift to the PU,” he said. The newly-elected president, Dr Amir Sarwer, said that he will render his services for the promotion of research culture in the university. He said that it was a tragedy that former members of ASA had not used the platform for the betterment of the campus.
“We are teachers and it is our responsibility to guide the nation out of darkness,” he said.
ASA General Secretary Dr Javaid Sami said teachers who were sincere with the varsity and country relied on him and he would do his best to resolve the issues of the community.


  1. This is also a good news for the students who can freely mingle with students from opposite sex and get jiggy with it.

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