PTI to protest against petroleum price hike: Imran


Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan on Thursday said his party would protest against hike in petroleum prices.
Addressing a press conference, Imran said the people of Pakistan were unnecessarily being burdened. He further said the government needed to check prices instead of increasing the people’s miseries. “The poorer the people become, the richer the rulers get,” he added. He said his party would launch demonstrations in all the provinces.
Imran claimed Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf would arrest Benazir’s killers on coming to power. The PTI chief said the rulers had issued red warrants for Pervez Musharraf but no one would issue red warrants for the corrupt rulers. He said the UN inquiry pointed out that facts about Banazir’s assassination were concealed.
Imran said he and his party fully condemned the Kohistan attack in which a number of passengers of buses were killed. He also condemned sectarian killings in Parachinar. “It is the government’s responsibility to ensure law and order,” he added.
He opined that appointment of judges through parliamentarians under the 18th Amendment was a way to hide corruption. Imran said anybody could join the PTI. “We don’t need anyone’s permission to allow people to join us,” he added.
The PTI chief said some people were spreading rumours that Imran’s tsunami has stalled. He said it was the corrupt people who were scared of tsunami.
Imran said perhaps the by-elections had been held as per the old electoral lists and announced to move the Supreme Court on the issue. Earlier, PPP leader Israr Shah who had lost his legs in the blast when travelling with Benazir’s rally announced joining the PTI. He said he was joining the PTI to compelete the unfinished agenda of Benazir Bhutto.


    • What else do u expect from him. There is no altruism in his giving all the slogans and making all the promises. He is just an ISI puppet doing and saying whatever that gets him in the power…

      Watch his moles disgustingly filling all the comment columns and blogosphere…

      • moles?? don't we have the right to voice our opinions…or you are special only you can write what can he do about shia killling…He is not the police nor he is the government..he condemned it and asked the government to provide security…call him for plumbing tomorrow he will fix your tap as well…why is he not cooking our food for us…come on..grow up…

  1. Imran is an ISI puppet, there are enough points to believe he is a Jewish funded failed politician.

    What he is doing is called Mouth Marketing, he is just doing what other politicians have done/are doing.

    We don’t see any maturity in him.

    • are u not in dire need of a sycastric (soory can't spell).one time calling him an isi puppet and then a jewish funded politician….sat wat u want to but we will still vote 4 pti

  2. Imran khan does nt do what he says he said that he would call a civil disobedience movement if all political leaders did nt declared assets for him but no civil disobedience moved has been called as establishment has not conveyed him such message.

  3. Keep on protesting Imran.No one listen.This democratic charade is disgusting.Only a French style revolution is the answer.A country has been discovered now by leaders like Gillani/Zardari/Nawaz Sharif who have nothing in mind except its speedy plunder.

  4. A man is known by the company he keeps.Negative politics just to gain power. I supported him in the past but changed my mind when saw wose people joining him. What is the difference between Imran and Musharraf?

    • who u r going to vote then nawaz who brought Musharraf or Zardari who gave him guard of honour

  5. Imran Khan , the nation stands behind u in these horrid times forced on us by the corrupt rulers!

  6. More than 20 PML-Q members including ministers of Musharraf era joined pML-N but people ignore that and if few join PTI people criticize it. Its double standard

  7. Israr Shah, Javed Hashmi, Asghar Khan these people wont join if PTI is establishment party. People just siting on net and crticize PTI.

  8. IK blue eyed of ISI…….. How about a protest against GOLDIE n Hafeez u Niazi…..his two closest friends and financial defaulters of Pakistan…..including some forging of export refinance rebate documents too…..Mr Clean went to clear his name…..I hope his memory still works…..Have fun IK…..Don't think we are dumb like u want to….even Za,an Park is not the original name…..there r many more sir

  9. This protest will turn out to be another Nawaz Bashing event Imran khan cannt stay away from criticizing nawaz.

  10. From today one call him Mr. Darna Khan. The old tactic of Qazi. Qazi is now old and he has given his wazeefa ti Darna Khan

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