Check your roll number slips!


Secondary School Certificate (Annual) Examination, 2012 would commence from 3rd March, 2012. Roll No Slips have been dispatched to all the students at their residential addresses, and are also available online on the website of Lahore Board In case the slips aren’t delivered, the candidates can get them from the Lahore Board website.


  1. if PMS roll number slip are issued to the candidates taking part in PMS then it is requested to the concern authority to provide me also with PMS roll number slip

  2. hi guyz meri b pin ye ha 79901332 plzzzz meri roll num slip is num pr send kr do 03222340059

  3. sir my name is hafeez ahmed .sir main nay pak navy k liay apply kia tha sir mujhy pin code nai mila mujhy plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz is ka totaly procedure bata dein pllzzzzzzzzzzz sir.PLZ sir Thats my dream. 03055934523 yey mera no ha sir

  4. kise ko n roll number nai ptta …..
    give me a method to do a check roll number

  5. Sir there are lots of student dieing for their roll no" and you are enjoy yourself in your cabins and offices and it,s awful but why you keep these guys the major problum is with these student not with you. But i think it will not impact on you that,s enough.

  6. mjhy roll number slip nai mil rai or login b ni ho rha , error aa rha h kindly help me , sunday ko mera test h 🙁

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