Pakistan Today

Another Timor

As the events unfold, it seems that another East Timor (Indonesia) or another Darfur (Sudan) is in the making in Pakistan by carving out Balochistan as a separate country only to serve and safeguard security and economic interests of the United States. It was in the Sharm el-Sheikh summit that Prime Minister Gilani raised the issued of Balochistan with his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh and promised to provide New Delhi with solid proofs of the blatant Indian interference in Balochistan, but years have passed the Pakistan government conspicuously did not make any serious efforts to show to the world real face of India.
Now when the situation has reached the brink, Islamabad has reportedly started preparing to provide ‘solid’ proofs of both the American and Indian intervention in Balochistan, that too not to the world community but to the parliament and parliamentary committees, following the introduction of a resolution on Balochistan in the US Congress. The US has been active for a long time to encourage the Baloch separatist elements gain independence from Pakistan through the help of India, which is playing the lead role.
I think the silence on part of the government was criminal. A lot of time has been wasted, a lot is now at stake, but it is not too late if forceful diplomatic as well media campaigns are launched on both national and international forums, special briefings be given to the relevant parliamentary committees and world parliaments, embassies, International Court of Justice and the regional organisations be mobilised, exposing the great conspiracy behind it. The US has been encouraging India to strengthen its spy network in Afghanistan by helping it open consulates along the Afghan border with Pakistan. These consulates were being used as bases of Indian RAW from where it is openly extending financial and material support to the anti-state elements in Balochistan.

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