Pakistan Today

SAP develops mechanism to monitor sale

Seed Association of Pakistan (SAP) has developed a mechanism to monitor uncertified, fake and misbranded seed selling in the market. Under the newly developed mechanism, SAP has constituted a core group of professionals from all the provinces to study the preliminary work done by the technical committee of SAP.
To safeguard the interests of farming community and dedicated seed companies doing legitimate seed business, it was also decided that the core group will formulate a strategy and give its recommendations within the next couple of weeks to approach the regulatory authorities to address the issue.
The decision was taken at the Central Executive Committee meeting of SAP held here on Friday under the chairmanship of Shahzad Ali Malik.
The participants noted with great concern that the presence of a well organised “seed mafia” which has been in operation for the last few years, if remained unchecked for quite some time, will continue to damage the seed sector and directly affect the entire agriculture sector in the most adverse manner.

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