All they ever do is condemn the USA!


The Punjab Assembly (PA) condemned the desecration of Holy Quran at a US airbase in Afghanistan and a resolution on Balochistan moved in the US Congress. The assembly also expressed its solidarity with the people of Balochistan and passed three separate resolutions unanimously. The session started with almost delay of two hours and ended upon a lack of quorum.
The resolutions were jointly moved by the treasury and opposition benches. PML-Q parliamentarian leader Chaudhary Zaheeruddin moved the first resolution on the desecration of Holy Quran.
“Punjab Assembly strongly condemns the immoral act committed by the NATO soldiers at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, which has hurt the sentiments of the Muslims all over the world. The House rejects the US apology on the ground that this is not the first time such an act was committed,” the resolution said. It demanded that culprits be arrested immediately and tried in the international courts.
Solidarity with Baloch: Punjab Law Minister Rana Sana Ullah Khan moved the second resolution, through which the House showed solidarity with the people of Balochistan. The resolution stated that the time had come to compensate the injustices against the people of Balochistan and remove their grievances. And, also it should be ensured that their rights are not infringed in the future. Through the resolution, the House also believed that murders of Nawab Akbar Bugti should be punished to console the Baloch.
On the occasion, Rana Sanaullah, Chaudhary Zaheeruddin and PPP parliamentarian leader Zalfiqar Gondal advocated for special treatment for the biggest province of Pakistan. They said the dictatorial attitude and state oppression against the people of Balochistan had created a wedge between them and the federation, which needs to be addressed immediately. They also advocated for proper devolution of powers in the country. They also suggested that Baloch leaders in exile should be brought into mainstream politics.
Condemn US resolution: Later, PPP parliamentarian leader Zalfiqar Gondal moved the third Resolution, which condemned the resolution on Balochistan moved in the US Congress. The resolution stated that such an act of the US Congress was a direct attack on Pakistan’s sovereignty. “This is intolerable for Pakistan. The US resolution is an irrelevant intervention in Pakistan’s internal affairs and negates the country’s sovereignty. It is an open violation of international laws,” it added.
The House, through the resolution, demanded that the Federal government should oppose and condemn the US resolution, and it should take up the matter at the international forum so that such an act was not repeated.
Speaker Rana Iqbal adjourned the House till Monday afternoon, as it failed to maintain required quorum.


  1. Totally sympathise with your frustration, but that was a funny caption for this news item! Yours to state the news as is and for your analysts to analyse, express frustration, critique, praise whatever! Anyway, you are quite right, all they ever do is condemn the US! Its a useless bunch. Absolutely.

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