Pakistan Today

Through the wrong end of the scope

This is with reference to Hashim Bin Rashid’s article “The price of Baloch blood” published in Pakistan Today on 19 February 2012.

The writer has rightly highlighted the worsening conditions in Balochistan. But the pertinent question is who is really responsible for the present condition? Tribal Sardars are the real culprits here who consider that they are born to rule, whom they have kept illiterate and poor. They have made them believe that after Allah, Sardar is their benefactor. Sardars never allowed infrastructure development in areas under their control.

Sardars have been governing Balochistan and representing their people in Senate and National Assembly, enjoying all political and financial power. I believe Sardars have major role in Balochistan’s insurgency. If Sardars have no any role in all this, then the federal government and the establishment are responsible for the agony of the Baloch?



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