Belling the cat


Political parties and the Baloch issue

The indiscretion by certain US congressmen to introduce a resolution calling for an independent Balochistan has done little good to either the US or the Baloch cause. The move has provided the morbidly anti-US lobby in Pakistan another issue to malign Washington, despite the declarations by the Obama administration that it does not support the move. Meanwhile, voices continue to be raised by important politicians, lawyers associations and human rights groups to urgently stop the atrocities in Balochistan.

Leaders of almost all parliamentary parties agree on the urgency to stop the bloodshed. PM Gilani has promised to call an APC to find solution to the issue through ‘collective wisdom’. JI Chief Munawwar Hasan has called for an end to “giving the Baloch the gift of body bags”. MQM Chief Altaf Hussain has said the APC has been overtaken by new developments and what was needed was to end the suffering of the Balioch people. The PML(N) has predicated its attendance of any conference on Balochistan with the participation of the nationalist parties. What the nationalist parties think can be gauged from Akhtar Mengal’s statement welcoming the resolution in the US Congress as a positive step. Hasil Bizenjo, a moderate among the nationalists, has asked those protesting against the move by three Congressmen why things have been allowed to go to extreme in Balochistan. There is apparently a disconnect between the perceptions of the mainstream politicians and the nationalists which has to be removed before holding any meaningful talks. This can only be done by a firm move by the government to stop the killings.

Whoever is responsible for the forced disappearances and custodial killings is highly powerful. Unless the political administration is ready to act, and is not checkmated by the opposition, more and more people in the unfortunate province are likely to look outside for help. This requires an understanding with the opposition. But does the government have the wisdom to take other parties along and the will to bell the cat?


  1. The government is busy in its day to day activities and probably lacks the will to take bold and correct decisions at the right moment. They must come forward before it is too late.

  2. Is introduction of a resolution worse than drone attacks? The hue and cry of PPP and its partners (obvious and hidden) is nothing more than dramatics. The misery of Balochs is not the business of PPP. ZAB was responsible for the loss of East Pakistan. There will be nothing surprising if AZ succeeds in getting rid of Balochistan,

    • General Sahib, AZ will resort to do anything but saving the country. It was ZAB who carried out military operation against Baloch in early 70s. Zia was the one who ended that practically. It has become a fashion to malign the forces in every this and that issue. Same was the strategy of our foes before the Fall of Dhakka. Baloch have genuine grievences but unfortunately if they are addressing them in a wrong way then the govt is also niot handling it wisely and the irony is that we all are trying to fetch one right out of two wrongs. Pity the Nation.

  3. Gen Aslam Beg, Hamud-ur- Rehman Commission Report is available on google for your quick reference. It’ll tell you in detail that who was responsible for East Pakistan. Military lost half of Pakistan then & the rest of Pakistan now. Noone caused harm to Pakistan as much as did military. The days are gone when generals made fool of innocent people. Military should do what they get paid to do. Stop running state in a state. Stop the atrocities against our own countrymen in Balochistan. People of Pakistan went with out food & paid 3/4 of the budget to defense forces just to see this day! We are on the verge of losing another part of our country yet again only because of Military & highly incompetent ISI. By the way I saw you assaulting Dawn’s journalist on YouTube. It showed how arrogant you were! You said to him ” Ijazaat le ker baat Karo ” . Why?? Are you some god or superior specie from another planet. It’s a shame that you were chief of army. Generals like you ruined every system of our country.

  4. Generals caused humiliation of Pakistan in East Pakistan, Siachin, Kargill and Baluchistan. Bhuttos, Asif Ali Zardari, Yusaf Raza Gillani, Nawaz Sharif and Rehman Malik are helpless (without authority) against FC and military establishment. Why blame politician….

  5. General Aslam Beg used to take off his military cap to avoid saluting electing Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Shame on you generals who disrespect political supremacy. In chain of command you were supposed to be under administrative control of Secretary Defense who in turn was subordinate to Minister Defence and to elcted Prime Minister of the country. Shame on you arrogant generals of Past…

  6. We criticize politicians from dawn to dusk everyday. This is the beauty of democracy. But could anyone dared in the past to say something against army! The poor fellas in govt or media did not have the courage to. If our generals like politics so much then why don’t they quit their job & start doing politics. But they know that once they lose their uniform then they are worthless. They didn’t let any political govt run the country. I think the nation has been paying them too much. About time we start spending on the poor.

  7. Interesting comments by everyone. By the way has anyone of above ever visited or sat with a genuine Balochi?

  8. The demand for separatism in Baluchistan is not by the common people.Only few influential and feudal families have raised such slogan.Because they want to rule in there and to carry jagirdarana system.

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