Let the nitpicking begin!


The Punjab government has written to the federal government about the “differences” over the functioning of the federal drug regulation agency being set up after the passage of the resolution in provincial assemblies, Paksitan Today has learnt. Per details, after the passage of the 18th Amendment various functions were devolved to provinces, while drug regulation was delegated to a proposed drug regulatory agency at the federal level. However, the provinces authorised the federal government to keep its hold over drug regulation, through the Cabinet Division, as before the 18th Amendment until the establishment of the federal authority.
Per constitution, all four provincial assemblies had to pass a resolution for the federal government to exercise authority on drug regulation and recently after the Punjab government passed its resolution, the condition was fulfilled. According to the arrangements, the federal government deals with drug registration, manufacturing licenses, price fixing, and import and export of drugs and the provinces monitor drug sale outlets including medical stores and pharmacies to ensure quality.
However, the provincial government has expressed its reservations regarding some differences on the operation of the soon-to-be federal drug regulatory agency. T
he provincial government has demanded that it should be given the right to give recommendations on the drug manufacturing license. Moreover, each province should have equal opportunity to chair the FDA. Also the nominations of the members should be done by the provincial governments instead of the federal government. Talking to Pakistan Today, Health Additional Secretary Dr Anwer Janjua said the provincial government has written to the federal government about “minor” differences, which were meant to increase the role of provinces in drug regulation and not to undermine the federal authority. “The authorities concerned have assured us of a positive response after the authority is set up,” he added.