Pakistan Today

LSE’s first step towards financial literacy of youth

Managing Director LSE Mr Aftab Ahmad Chaudhry initiated the first step towards national Financial Literacy Programme for youth awareness.
As part of the programme (first nation wide campus outreach program of its kind) the briefing session was held at LSE auditorium, Lahore Stock Exchange (LSE). The participants of the briefing session included vice chancellors, directors and principals of major educational institutions of Lahore region. Mr Aftab Ahmed highlighted the primary goal of financial literacy programme which is to provide young investors with skills to learn, save and invest their money in an appropriate manner.
Since Pakistan is characterised by having very low rates of savings and investments, low penetration of financial products and services, therefore, a campaign for the financial literacy is deemed as the need of the hour, he underscored. He also said young people are often confronted with complicated financial decisions in today’s demanding financial environment and financial mistakes early in life can have opportunity costs. In order to cope with these problems, they need better financial education and access to critical resources to make smart decisions.
Financial Literacy Programme aims at enabling the youngsters to efficiently manage their finances and cope with the tough financial decisions. He also highlighted that the stock exchange might consider the suggestion of training of trainers/ faculty members of educational institutions, so as to improve the methods of teaching to remove the gap between theory and practical implementation in real life.

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