Pakistan Today

Police make pro-Dr Aafia protesters pay for ‘wrong turn’

The participants of a pro-Dr Aafia Siddiqui protest on Friday faced the wrath of the police in the form of baton-charge and water cannons when they decided to march towards the US consulate. A large number of protesters had gathered outside the press club and planned to head for the consulate. They were led by Dr Aafia’s sister Dr Fauzia Siddiqui and Pasban leader Altaf Shakoor.
Carrying banners and placards and chanting slogans against the government for not taking steps for Dr Aafia’s release, they started marching towards the consulate but were intercepted by a heavy contingent of the police at the Abdullah Haroon Road. 
When the protesters refused to halt, the police baton-charged them and also used water cannons to disperse the crowd.
Dozens of protesters were arrested including Altaf Shakoor and Dr Fauzia Siddiqui. They were later released on the orders of the governor and the chief minister.

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