Pakistan Today

US hearing on Balochistan ‘ill-advised’ move: Sherry

Taking a strong exception to a United States Congressional hearing on Balochistan this week, Pakistan on Friday called it an “ill-advised” move that would be detrimental to the trust between Pakistan and the United States.
A Pakistan embassy spokesman in Washington said Pakistan’s Ambassador to the US Sherry Rehman raised the issue of an exclusive hearing on Balochistan by the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs in her meetings with the members of congress and senior officials of the US administration. According to the spokesman, Sherry said the government of Pakistan strongly rejected the purpose and findings of the hearing and considered it an “ill-advised and ill-considered” move that would have serious repercussions for Pakistan-US relations.
“Balochistan is an integral part of the Pakistan which is a democracy conducting itself in accordance with the international law,” the ambassador said. “The government is strongly committed to protecting the fundamental rights and freedom in all parts of Pakistan, including Balochistan, and has initiated an extensive programme of constitutional and other reforms to empower all citizens in the continuing consolidation of democracy,” she said.

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