NCSW to celebrate National Women’s Day


The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) is all set to celebrate ‘National Women’s Day’ with great fervour on February 12.
The day will mark the historical struggle initiated by women’s rights activists against the anti-women policies and legislation introduced by military dictator Gen Zia ul Haq.
The struggle started in 1983 culminated into landmark achievements in introducing women friendly laws and granting an autonomous status to the Women’s Commission of Pakistan. The women’s movement efforts’ were officially recognised for the first time by PM Yousaf Raza Gillani when he declared Feburary 12th as the National Women’s Day.
NCSW, together with the government and civil society organisations, is commemorating the day to celebrate the achievements of women’s rights activists as well as to vow to continue in the same spirit. The event will be marked by presenting the background of the women’s movement; acknowledging the role of female parliamentarians in putting forward the women’s rights agenda proactively. Poetry and songs glorifying the struggle will also be presented by renowned performers.
At the end a joint declaration will be read out by the NCSW chairperson. The event will be attended by a large number of participants from the public sectors, NGOs, youth groups, working women human rights activists, students and media representatives among others. The event is being held at the National Insurance Company auditorium.