‘Record agriculture produce in Punjab’


Provincial Minister for Agriculture Malik Ahmad Ali Aulakh has said that due to special interest taken by Chief Minister Punjab Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif and provision of maximum facilities to the farmers, a record production of wheat, rice, maize, potato and sugarcane has been achieved in the province. He was talking to media-men, here today. He said that wheat production which was one crore 56 lakh tons in 2007-08, rose to one crore 84 lakh tons in 2008-09 and one crore 79 lakh tons in 2009-2010, reached the figure of one crore 90 lakh tons in 2010-11 which is a record in the history of the province. Similarly, the rice production which was 32 lakh 86 thousand tons in 2007-08 rose to 36 lakh 43 thousand tons in 2008-09 reached the record level of 37 lakh 13 thousand tons in 2009-10. In 2010-11, 33 lakh 84 thousand tons rice was produced. A record production of four crore 28 lakh tons sugarcane has been achieved in 2011-12. He further said that a record production of 29 lakh 59 thousand tons maize and 33 lakh 40 thousand tons potato was achieved in 2010-11. In reply to a question, the Agriculture Minister said that due to suspension of supply of gas to urea factories, a crisis was created and the urea price which was Rs.850 per bag last year rose to Rs. 1800 per bag while DAP was sold at 4100 to 4200 rupees per bag. He said that despite repeated reminders of Punjab government, the federal government started late import of fertilizer which resulted in a severe shortage of urea in the country. He said that during Rabi 2011-12 in the months of October, November, December and January, only 15 lakh 11 thousand tons urea remained available as compared to the total need of 19 lakh tons while three lakh 87 thousand tons DAP remained available as compared to the total requirement of five lakh 59 thousand tons.