Workshop held on improving national HOI


A workshop on ‘Human Opportunity and the Decentralisation of Social Services in Pakistan’ was held on Saturday at the Avari Hotel. Jointly organized by the Institute of Public Policy, Beaconhouse National University and the World Bank, the workshop reported Pakistan’s progress in basic health and education opportunities by developing the Human Opportunity Index (HOI) both at the provincial and local levels. It further highlighted the benefits of the 18th Amendment to the constitution by revealing increasing difficulties and current challenges to the government. The HOI in education, health and infrastructure in Pakistan is lower than all Latin American countries and many African countries, according to a recent World Bank report.
The workshop identified two important features that offered solutions to increasing HOI; political accountability and enhanced capacity building. Effective decentralisation should improve technical efficiency in health and education. The new Constitutional provisions will introduce genuine federalism, responsiveness and accountability. Details can be acquired from Institute of Public Policy (IPP) Research Associate Novaira Junaid, , and BNU at 042-35324319.