New research suggests that they probably don’t give us brain tumours, don’t lead to car crashes, and aren’t even responsible for all that sexting. Over the last decade, cell phone use has grown exponentially. With increased use come questions concerning the safety of these mobile devices. Many have been concerned over the possibility of cell phones increasing one’s risk for brain cancer, the fact that people are talking-or perhaps worse, texting while driving, and getting into accidents because of it.
And then there’s sexting, which has a “reputation as a teenage pastime”. However more studies are suggesting that cell phones aren’t as strongly connected with any of these phenomena as we once thought. Other evidence illustrates that they’re just as annoying and sidetracking as ever, though, so if you want to continue to hold a grudge against them, you’re within your rights. Researchers have just reported that talking on cell phones while walking can lead to deficits in cognition, including working memory and executive function. Whether or not you’re worried about the physical dangers, it may still be wise to give the cell a rest, if for no other reason than to get to your destination on time.