Caanchi & Lugari Polo Cup saddles into action


Caanchi and Lugari Polo Cup saddled into action here at the Lahore Polo Club ground with a big win for Master Paints here on Monday. Having Argentinean rider Gaston Moore in their ranks, the Masters banged in nine goals while allowed Newage Cables, which was ahead by half a goal on advantage, to score just four. Gaston Moore opened the scoring for Masters and only Shah Shamyl Alam got even with him in the first chukker but Moore closed the quarter with 2-1 lead. Saqib Khan Khakwani got into action along with Moore in the second chukker and the lead swelled to 4-1.
Another foreign player in the match who was playing for Newage took things into his hands but could managed two goals in the third and fourth chukkers but Moore and the Sufi brothers – Amir and Haris – kept the scoreboard ticking for Master Paints. Moore got another two goals while Amir and Haris shared one goal each in the last two quarters with one each in either chukker coming from Moore. It was after Adnan Jalil Azam opened the fourth quarter for Newage, it were Moore and Haris who made sure they remain big score winners.