Shutter-down, wheel-jam strike across Sindh today


The nationalist parties are observing a complete shutter down strike against the 20th amendment in Sindh on Saturday, a private TV channel reported.
Due to the strike call, no public transport is available that is causing severe difficulties for commuters to carry out their day-to-day tasks.
A protest demonstration was carried out in Hyderabad while roads were also blocked. Areas affected by today’s strike include Sukkur, Nawabshah, Sakrand, Dolat Pur, Umer Kot and others where a complete wheel jam strike was observed.
Almost every civil society organization, professional body, women rights activist, and writer have supported an appeal made by the “Save Sindh” Committee (an alliance between five Sindhi nationalist groups), to observe a complete shutter down and wheel jam strike against the 20th amendment, which, they fear, has been passed to divide the province.
The Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) has recently submitted the 20th amendment to the Constitution in the National Assembly which facilitates the creation of new provinces and abrogation of article 2-3-9 (Clause 4). The Sindhi nationalists have vehemently opposed this clause on the basis that it would give the federal government the power to alter the limits of provinces without consulting the province in question.


  1. MQM leaders constantly said on t v channels they against the division of sindh but i must say saying and doing two diffident things.sham on all those sindhi people by whom MQM jalsa attended. today's strike for a gud cause i support it.good luck……

  2. if punjab can be divided in two for management purpose then why not sindh , if they protest then they are perhaps the pro akhand bhartian.

    • Punjab is not divided due to management purpose, it is divided because the South Punjab was ignored by the main stream and remained underdeveloped. But that is not the case in Sindh. I feel the nationalist are doing the right thing — wheel jam strike, because they know there are lots of camels like you, who would take the advantage to push the arab out of his tent. (Arab & his Camel – story)

  3. It is time the Sindhis wake up to Altaf Hussain's mischief and his ugly designs. His real intention is ro split up Sindh. By asking for split of Punjab & KP, he is opening the door for that.

    Jaag utho Sindhio, a Punjabi is saying that to you!

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