Training for ORIC’s staff begins at NUST


The Higher Education Commission (HEC), in collaboration with the British Council, launched on Monday a five-day capacity-building programme for the staff of the Offices of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation (ORIC) of 14 universities.
As many as 45 directors and mangers of universities across the country are attending the training being held at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad. NUST Rector Engr Muhammad Asghar and Dr Nils Tomes, director, Education for South Asia, British Council, chaired the opening ceremony.
The purpose of the programme is to train the managers of ORIC to run these offices effectively and efficiently. The HEC aims to develop and sustain a dynamic and internationally competitive research sector in Pakistani universities that make a major contribution to the community, economic prosperity, national wellbeing and the expansion and dissemination of knowledge. Establishment of ORIC at the universities is a step towards achieving this goal.
Speaking on the occasion, the rector thanked the HEC and the British Council for providing NUST with the opportunity to host the training. He highlighted the role of the universities and the steps taken by his university for accomplishment of these goals. Dr Tomes told the participants that the British Council was keen to contribute and support the HEC in its role for promotion of higher education and knowledge exchange in Pakistan.
In her welcome remarks, HEC (R&D) Deputy Director Noshaba Awais highlighted the new role of the universities and its impact on leadership, community and economy. She said research and development, and knowledge economy were the only solution to development and prosperity of the country.
“Promotion of research is one of the core strategic aims of the HEC. Through the programme and the initiatives launched by the HEC for strengthening research and the process of knowledge creation, the quality and research output emanating from the universities and institutions in the country had shown tremendous improvements,” she said.