David Miliband becomes advisor to Indus Basin Holding


Former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband has become the senior advisor to a leading agricultural development company in Pakistan, Indus Basin Holding (IBH), which is investing in cereals and rice processing in the country. In a statement David Miliband said he was delighted to be advising IBH, a company that is investing in Pakistan’s future at a time of such fundamental importance. “The company is committed to developing an agricultural sector which has huge potential, but currently lacks investment. I look forward to working with IBH in building support and investment in Pakistan’s agricultural capacity and productivity.”
Agriculture has 25 per cent share in GDP and employs 45 per cent of the country’s workforce. The sector remains one of the most under-invested sectors in the country, as a result, farm yields are lower than industry average, and post-harvest infrastructure is significantly underdeveloped.
IBH invests in high-growth agricultural projects which help improve and develop land farmed in Indus river basin, one of the largest irrigated regions in the world. It has attracted leading international investors into projects which range from food processing to contract farming. One of these projects, Rice Partners, manages the complete rice supply chain from seed to packaged rice, by working closely with small-hold rice farmers.
Aamer Sarfraz, founder of IBH said “We are delighted to be able to bring on board the expertise of David Miliband who knows the region and its challenges well. He shares our conviction that investment in Pakistan’s agricultural sector can have substantial long-term impact on the country’s poorest farming communities.


  1. Indus Basin has certainly done a lot of investments in productive areas of Pakistan, i would recommend Pakistani investors to capitalize most out of our agriculture sector

    • They are working on agriculture in Pakistan. For example they have set up a cereal plant. They are working on other such ventures, which will promote agriculture, and invite foreign investment. What he selling to the investors is that Pakistan is a good place. Lets invest our money in techonogy, maximize agriculture output, and triple our money. In the process you are creating jobs in pakistan, and you are benefiting others in the supply chain.

      Milliband has no shortage of firms, who want to hire him, so he can open doors for them. Milliband was agriculture secretary, but Maliha, the main reason is that these former high level government people can open many doors, which cannot otherwise be opened. For example, Davaid Milliband can set up meeting of Indus basins CEO with Prime Minster of Indonessia (if there is work in indonessia). This does by no means seal the deal, but certainly opens doors. If Indus basins person, wants to meet Bill Gates, Millband can arrange it. That's why all the top firms in the world hire these people. JP Morgan for example, pays Tony Blair 5 million USD a year to open doors etc.

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