PML-N will do everything to save the country: Nawaz


Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said that he had wanted to make Pakistan the “Asian tiger” during his tenure, according to media reports.
Addressing a congregation in Sargodha, he said that the current government did not just waste 10 years of his life, but also wasted 10 years of Pakistan’s progress.
He asked the people to not lose hope as his ambition to change the destiny of the country is still young and his party will do everything to save the country.
He said that his party brought Pakistan on the path on success during its tenure, “like no one else has ever done”, adding that his government had struggled to flourish Pakistan in every field.


  1. yeah…we’ll do everything but we wont take back our Money in Pakistan and we wont ever Resign from assenlies coz if we resign we wont be able to do patwaari jalsa’s…..

    • If this is your attitude and intellectual level of ISI Khan supporters then Pakistan has a bleak future.

  2. In Shah Allaha PML n will save the country from the current difficult time.Nawaz Sharief has talents,he can defeat these bad-charACTER elements with the poor nation.We do not desire another HEERA MANDIS in Pakistan as Patey Khan wants and in his meetings showing his strengh with these bad elements.GEO NAWAZ SHARIEF These jackals can`nt harm you.Rest assure.

  3. wow. this man has no shame. dude you are part of the problem how can u be the solution? give us a break. u dont have any vision for pakistan. we cannot let our country into your pathetic hands. and please stop copying imran khan. Your days of noora kushti are over

  4. How about you start with paying some taxes on the wealth that you have accumulated, you moron.

  5. @Fahd. What'a idiotic and nonsensical response from you, completely deviod of any rationality and logic. I am not sure what forced you to unleash your ignorance on this forum…

    I am not sure how I became part of the problem? How did you get to know my vision of Pak? Who asked you to let the country in my hand? And how I am copying Imran Khan? And how did you sense Nora Khusti at my end??

    An advice for you, read some history and post comment that educate public rather than sharing your blind loyalties to our courrpt elite.

    And lastly, even if I am copying Imran least I have some one to copy; who will you copy – money launderer or mr. 10%

  6. i feel like laughing at this

    "He said that his party brought Pakistan on the path on success during its tenure, “like no one else has ever done”,"

    Baldy remains baldy no matter how expensive his hair transplant may be….

  7. Sahih Muslim – Volume 9, Book 89, Number 264, Narrated Ma'qil

    I heard the Prophet (saaws) saying, "Any man whom Allah has given the authority of ruling some people and he does not look after them in an honest manner, will never feel even the smell of Paradise."

  8. @Ali .. Let's start with few that are being touted in every talk show and in his own speeches..
    – Restoration of Judiciary: completely BS that pmln resorted judiciary. NS was not even sure until last moment if he was going to join the march or skip it, as this was the time when he had given his full support to Mr. 10%. He was pissed of that Itazaz and Ali Ahmed Kurd had not asked him about the actual timing/date of long march. Do not believe me, just read newapapers published in the morning of longmrach and see mr Shareef's statement. (bty which party ever attacked SC in the history of Pak, and who has been taking stays in Air Marshal Asghar Khan and Hadibia Mills cases??)
    – Atomic explosions…well, nothing to comment on this as you must have heard from AQ Khan's mouth how much role Mr. Sahreef and Sartaj Aziz had played in this adventure.
    These are just the cpuple of his accomplishments, if we will start on his actual ‘karnama’s since 1985, the list will be very long.

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