Pakistan Today

Imran Khan’s Islam

Many critics are arguing about Mr Imran Khan’s self projection of Islam by offering prayers on stage during his rallies. I would like to explain a few things to these critics. They should be talking about things logically and with some substance. A man of intellectual background should not be concentrating or focusing on personal lives of an individual. Religion is a matter between Allah and a man. People should not come in between Allah and His men.

Mr Imran Khan as an individual is not a man who believes in projecting himself and pretending to do things which is not in his nature. He is what he is in front of the whole wide world. His personal and professional life is an open secret to everyone. Therefore, he doesn’t need any tools of self projection. He is not a hypocrite as we have seen so many times in his execution of his projects. Whenever he says something you can feel it that he is saying from the core of his heart and there is no element of treachery in it.

Other political leaders only speak but do not deliver, Mr Imran Khan not only speaks but delivers as we have seen several times in the past. He has proved his worth to the people of Pakistan by executing his projects diligently.

Praying on stage does not signify self projection but if you are a true follower of Islam you will appreciate this act which all of us should follow without any hesitation. He has given a very strong message to the world that this is how all Muslims should do.



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