Pakistan Today

Cheap morning shows

Although, the whole year round, what most of these morning shows aired on prominent TV channels exhibit, is mainly nothing but a display of indecency and senselessness, but they reach the zenith of vulgarity and impropriety when they start celebrating a week long segment called the “Wedding Week” which is annually celebrated on these channels.

All the famous TV channels are simultaneously observing this festival and in order to compete with each other and make their show the most eye-catching, they have literally crossed all limits of decency, modesty and morality.

All these festivities which are shown in the name of wedding should not be religiously or culturally acceptable to us. But the hosts and guests present on these shows make us feel that our weddings cannot be deemed complete or there would be no element of enjoyment and fun in it if it is not celebrated in the way as is shown by these channels.

Not only this, but also the way in which all these festivities are celebrated, reflects immense extravagance. Everyone from celebrities to experts like wedding planners, caterers, decorators, photographers, make-up artists, beauticians, hair stylists etc are called to participate in these shows, advertise their own organisations and products and give expert opinion on how to plan a wedding.

In doing all this, our TV channels fail to realise that according to our religion, everything, including marriage, should be done with simplicity and humbleness and this is the lesson which they should also impart through their platform. However, unfortunately, what we see on these morning shows is a display of profligacy, indecency and cheapness.



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