‘Only a democratic Pakistan can progress’


Pakistan can progress only as a democratic country, Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said on Wednesday. Talking to a delegation of the Supreme Court Bar Association, led by President Yasin Azad that called on him, the CJP said, “We have to remain united for the supremacy of law and constitution.” He said the bench and the bar had a common agenda, that of the supremacy of law and the constitution.
The SCBA president said no unconstitutional step would be accepted. “A military government will not be accepted,” he added. Welcoming the delegation, the chief justice said, “It is a matter of great pleasure and privilege for me to receive this newly-elected cabinet to discuss various difficulties and hardships faced by the litigants and the lawyers”. He informed the meeting that he had established the practice of regularly interacting with the bar association to communicate freely for resolving any outstanding issues in the larger interest of the institution. The chief justice recounted the epic struggle launched by the lawyers in the wake of the events of March 9, 2007. He praised the fact that this struggle heralded the dawn of democracy, rule of law and constitutionalism in the country. He emphasised the need to have a truly democratic and rights-based polity which was a sin qua non for ensuring social stability and harmony in the country. The meeting resolved that a committee comprising of the members of the cabinet and the officers of the Supreme Court was mandated to resolve issues such as construction of parking sheds and other administrative matters. Many issues related to fixation of cases and other ancillary matters were discussed in detail and decisions taken facilitating the lawyers specially hailing from Quetta and Karachi regions.


  1. Mr Justice do you realise you are wittingly or unwittingly, paving the way for the generals to step in and trample the civilian set up. Just tell the people that if you create a situation in which the generals take over erroneously thinking that they are the most popular among the masses and if they do so then what would you do? The present government is inefficient and may lose coming elections so why you are bent upon sending them packing and making them political martyr. You should, Mr Justice, realise that Kayani would be no different from Musharraf. Have you forgotten that?

  2. CJ has no idea about the composition of a true democracy. Indeed he has himself failed to deliver justice. He is just supporting the ruling class.Can some body ask him you provided justice to devis in 2-months and on national isuess what is your progress?How about qadri case?

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