I succeeded as Pakistani leader, others failed: Musharraf


Former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, who has vowed to return to Pakistan and run for office despite authorities’ threat of arrest, maintained in an interview on Monday that he successfully led the nation while others failed, CNN reported.
Musharraf, in a speech to thousands of supporters in Karachi via video link from Dubai on Sunday, said the nation must decide whether it needs change or “the same faces.”
Asked if he wasn’t one of those old political leaders, Musharraf acknowledged to CNN that he is. “But the difference is, the other ‘olds’ have not performed,” he said. “They have failed the country. They have tried thrice over … I have tried once for 10 years and succeeded.”
He said that he should be judged on his entire record, not by the end of his presidency, when he was the target of protests and a coalition of opposition parties moved to impeach him.
“In my time, I am known for one thing — an honest man and an honest government,” he said. Allegations of corruption, he said, are “all lies. It’s all wrong … All the government, in my time, is known, stands out, for lack of corruption, for honest governance.”
Musharraf said Sunday he will return from exile to Pakistan between January 27 and 30. Officials have said that when he does, he will be arrested in connection with the 2007 assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.
During the interview in Dubai on Monday, Musharraf said he accepts that risk and understands his life might be at stake as well.
“It’s not a bed of roses leading Pakistan, governing Pakistan,” he said. “It’s a thorny issue … It’s very, very difficult. We are a country of many diversities, and you have to risk your life and you have to burn midnight oil — you have to work extremely hard to understand and to deliver. You are risking your comfort and your life.”
However, he added, “to me, a cause, and the state and the people of Pakistan are more important than myself.”
Musharraf said that in his time as Pakistan’s leader he did much to improve the nation’s economy and socioeconomic situation.
Asked whether he would change anything, he said, “As far as my definition of what I have to do, what a leader needs to do — welfare of the people, development of the state — I don’t have to change anything, because on both, whether you take education, poverty alleviation, job employment generation, inflation control for the people, or you take the state, the economy, the communications infrastructure, water management, agriculture, telecommunications, IT industry … each one of them was a success.”
He did acknowledge, however, that he made mistakes, in particular referencing his “confrontation with the judiciary.”
Musharraf’s popularity began declining in 2007, after he suspended Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry for “misuse of authority.” The move resulted in protests and accusations that Musharraf was attempting to influence the court’s ruling on whether he could seek another five-year term. Although the chief justice was reinstated, the damage was done.
“You are taking the glass one-tenth empty. You’re not seeing the nine-tenths full part,” Musharraf said Monday.
Asked whether he undermined democracy during that year, he said, “I agree, there in that last one year, my downfall started.”
His reputation began suffering, he said, and it suffered further after Bhutto’s assassination, which plunged Pakistan into turmoil.
However, “Today, the people (of Pakistan) are demoralized, dismayed,” he said. “They want to leave the country. They are selling their children to feed their stomachs. Demoralized people, hungry, jobless — now this is the state of the people and the country … We have to rectify this. Everything else is secondary.”
He maintained that democracy is important to him, as it represents a way forward for the nation. But, he said, it’s not important to Pakistanis.
“People first want to feed themselves and their families,” he said. “They want to earn money. They want to live in a degree of comfort. They want to have security for themselves. This is what they look for.”
He said people have been demanding that the army “do something for Pakistan. So where is democracy now in Pakistan?” But, he added, he does not believe military rule is the answer.
He said he believes his popularity is recovering in Pakistan, although it’s not yet where it was. “It has certainly turned around because of the poor performance of the government today,” he said.


  1. can the tin-pot general care to explain how he has become a millionaire many times over? he’s looted this country dry and stashed it all in his dozen or so bank accounts!!

    • He is a retried Chief of Army staff. when a CoL, retires he gets approximately 10,000,000 property at least, so think vigilantly. He is a world class speaker and the World's second Highest paid speaker after Bill Clinton. Musharaf takes more than $200,000 for one lecture. His book is best seller in the world and its price was Rs.1200 if i am not wrong. I bought one actually at that time. He also have so many donors there. so there is no question of corruption.I am amazed people cant see Zardari and Nawaz and they talk about some Millions of Musharaf……not justified…

    • Just Shame bloody stupid people, we are dying today just due to you bloody people having in our nation have u any proof of corruption against PM ??? Ever you saw any open corruption in his govt ??? Have you tried to apply for govt Job in today so called democracy govt ?? They openly ask you to pay that much & get the Job May Allah clean our country from such senseless shit people like who don’t have knowledge about something but barks barks

    • Come out of this mentality. It won't get you anywhere. People like you in this country are sunk in self- denial. The statistics speak for themselves. Musharraf's tenure was by far the best in Pakistan's history; since it came into being. I don't blame you for the fact that including you many in this country have been made think through the brains of Sharif's, Zardari's and Shujaat's. Therefore, you can’t make distinction between good and bad. You see their sins as good deeds. Our brand of democracy that best fits in our environment is the one Musharraf promoted, implemented, and, successfully delivered.

  2. Mushraf wot u think we do not know abt long term and short term strategy… which is applicable in good and bad…. u destroy the economy of pakistan like a slow poison… made a deals with USA for giving them possession of our airbases… killed our army youngster….. kills our northern area brothers… completely squeeze everything till last drop and ur saying ur the succeeded leader… ur kafir… ur religion is qadyani…. shame on u…. and all the other ppl who are supporting u

    • oo bhai who says musharraf z qadiani?? he z a true muslim and patriotic pakistani…u naive just compare musharraf regime wid dis so called democratic regime or even wid da absconders nawaz and shehbaz, that era waz a thousand timez better than the laters……

    • he toppling the dishonest government he sack dishonest judge who is cheif judge now look what he doing with our courty what happen to memo case any so moto case what he did with all cases he had he is kanojuddal.Nawaz his brother and their family i worked in Ittafaq brother in 1981 i know who was his Abba G was and hishonest man they eat up Railway engines, so please do not tell me. In Muasharaf time we had good business we had money in market. Now Zardari and nawaz company making all the money.

  3. This is a delusion Gen (Rtd) Musharraf.

    Your failure of gigantic proportion was the National Reconciliation Order (NRO) which paved the way into power of for individuals with a criminal mind set. These individuals have plundered the wealth and the institutions of Pakistan.

    There is blood on your hands of innocent children who died in Lal Masjid. You were impulsive in ordering special services to raid Lal Masjid. You have a responsibility to share in undertaking Kargil misadventure. Let's not forget the assassination of Bugti. The Baluch Sardars may not be working in the interest of the people of Baluchistan but it does not give you the right to order Pakistan Army to launch and assault on them. You have disgraced our Army. The list is endless.

    We shall InshAllha try you in civil courts. InshAllah.

    • What BS!

      Musharraf was againsnt NRO, Americans and bhutto /sheriff reconciliation pushed it. It has been clarified lal masjid had no kids in there. The people in lal masjid were forewarned 12 hours befOre the operation scheduled time. Furthermore operation was delayed to let people out! Those who don't leave is their fault . How is it that masjid had rocker launchers and weapons??

      As for baluchi leaders If a leader is againsnt people of Pakistan(as you said it) that leader deserves to die.

    • You are one of those 'Morons' who has fallen for all the rumour mongering.These are just cheap jibes and allegatioIn.I clearly remember the ecstacy of BB and she loudly declared that 'He is my General' and everybody else was dancing in the streets and distributing sweets when General Musharaf took power.Even Imran Khan was very pleased.During his period you Pakistanis had a lot of respect abroad and the country's economy was one of the 9 fastest growing economies.If you want to be a lemming all your life,you will get the corrupt leaders you desrve.
      Mohamed Ashraf Chaudry

    • Yes! Pakistani nation deserve Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif And People like Imran Khan BUT Not Musharaf!

  4. This is a delusion Gen (Rtd) Musharraf.

    Your failure of gigantic proportion was the National Reconciliation Order (NRO) which paved the way into power of for individuals with a criminal mind set. These individuals have plundered the wealth and the institutions of Pakistan.

    There is blood on your hands of innocent children who died in Lal Masjid. You were impulsive in ordering Special Forces to raid Lal Masjid. You have a responsibility to share in undertaking Kargil misadventure. Let's not forget the assassination of Bugti. The Baluch Sardars may not be working in the interest of the people of Baluchistan but it does not give you the right to order Pakistan Army to launch and assault on them. You have disgraced our Army. The list is endless.

    We shall InshAllha try you in civil courts. InshAllah

    • leave all the things,he killed thousends of innoncent people in lal masjid,he was a great cruel man,now he is a millioneer,from where he got his money,????he was a corrupt man,he will never suceed again,now he cant enter this country,he is a dog,he never fought at front,he is a coward man

      • May God help you and people like you, Ameen. Please ensure brain is engaged before reaching for the keyboard.

    • He wanted to bring everyone in to election so they know who is who.Lal Masjid Govt had to had is writ .Bugti was criminal his death may be save life.He did not do any thing wrong .About Kargil we made a good adventure and tactial move.

  5. Mr.former Preident,
    If my memory serves me right are you not the same person who said the best way to get a green card to states or canada was to get raped.?
    We appreciate you did your best! the trains ran on time , the planes took off on time but where was the blueprint for the future.? It was democracy dictator defined. By boasting in foreign media it does you no credit. let Pakistani,s be the judge and the jury.
    In the history of pakistan you may be the first military leader to make a comeback. Good luck. As you said you know the judiciary and how it works.Let us have the litmus test.

  6. General shaib you were and are a weak and sold out Pakistan to Bush without a fight. So enjoy your payback. – Woking Surrrey

  7. Precisely what was "honest" about Musharraf's government? Besides, the military establishment has already found a replacement in Imran Khan.

  8. Farigh tareen leader…….poore mulk ko baich dala……….saale ne kiya kya hai mulk k liye……………kitne hazaar logoun ka khoun hai iss k haathoun pe………

  9. He said right and agreey with that he can improve our stability……..
    this did not happen then allah hafiz of Pakistan….
    thats all

  10. khuda tala ka farmaan he k jesi qaom (nation) hu uspe wesa he hukmran musallat kia jata he.. thats y this nation is still sleeping and enjoying governments of wolves, this nation is extremist nd childish they deserve experiments by voting each politician 1 by 1. we r blind we r deaf but we have tounges of creatures like dogs…
    its a long time passed…
    poiticians of each party looted the national treasure, we and our ancestors beared politicians and dictators as well.. but history proved this country succeded and improved under army governments.. we r all blind..

  11. Excellent, Musharraf sb. Pakistan needs you ASAP, a true leader…More power to you, sir

  12. i fully support him. at least he is far better then every single politician. he know's how to run a country.
    Imran Khan has become fav of every body because people have lost hope and the only person they could see is Imran Khan. lol let me say Imran Khan the one who devoted all his life to Cricket. Imran Khan who has no political background who know nothing about politics above all this is a state not a cricket team pal go home and live your life silently.

  13. very well said dearest sir musharraf,yes you are the guy in the entire history of pakistan who boost the economy of pakistan and the self respect of pakistanis in other parts of the world.all i remember in your rule was that the poor people of pakistan was happy,they had food money and jobs.as soon as you left the rule pakistan and its people suddenly faces so many disasters no sugar,no flour and now a days a poor family can neither afford the vegetables.so please sir come back we need you the country and its poor and neutral peoples need you.may ALLAH gives you the success on every single step.aameen

  14. No delusion!!!! He is the man of character as you can see he always told the truth. He repeatedly claimed that PML (N) leader signed 10 years deal but people of Pakistan did not believe. Now one can see yesterday Interior minister showed the real document. People of Pakistan are so delusional that they can't differentiate right from wrong. You can't eat or drink hollow slogans of politicians and anchor person’s intangible cause and effect theories. His sincerity was behind most of his steps but shrewd minds of opponents weakened the effect. People of Pakistan are the victim of paranoia because of wrong doing of crooked politicians. They suspect a straight forward person because their mind can’t expect a single good thing from a leader. They are always skeptic of wrong person at wrong time and give power to their enemy due to their corrupted heart. In short they will always fall in the hands of their enemy, it’s their destiny. At last my fellow countrymen don’t think and talk like politicians but like citizens who want a leader for their welfare. Leave politics for politicians.

  15. Every one has a right to their own opinion, but to think that Pervez Musharraf sb. was wrong in any of his decisions…. is very sadly misinformed, at least there wasn't rampant corruption during his tenure, that I wish had lasted forever…but alas, all good things have to end, hopefully he will back with more power and strength to rescue the people of Pakistan FIRST…. PM ZINDABAD

  16. Just not jump to conclusions, wait till Pervez Musharraf sb, returns to save the people of PAKISTAN….. waiting agog, May Allah give him mor power

  17. All the criminals are living in tribal territories, drug production and smugglling, arms producton and smugglinjg, all the vhicles stolen or got on gun point (about one billion rupees worth only from Karachi) are sold and used in tribal areas, they protect all the thieves, robbers, murderors in tribal areas. Is that Imran Khan's Islamic peoples. The get rid from the robber Nawab Bugti, who was getting ransom from the Government and PPL and killed many government employees who were involved petroleum survey and other jobs of National interests was a great achievement of Perveiz Musharaf. In the last era of Musharaf Period he did an mistake to allow curropt pliticialn PML(Q) who were the formal colleage of Nawaz Sharif to get access in the government. They occupy all the activities concerning to basic human needs sugur, flour etc. as they are Jagirdars, Mills owners and Businessman. (Zardari, Nawaw and Choudhries), earn millions of rupees in Pervaiz Musharaf period and still sucking peoples blood on the pretext that all is happing due to the policies of Pervaiz Musharaf.

  18. i'm totally agree with parvez musharaf. & inshallah i 'll very soon join apml , whatever he saib in his interview i do agree,

  19. @waheedjafrar sb, salaam, kash ke hamari sari awam ko aisi danesh mandana soch aa jai, ke jis terha Musharraf sb ko budnam karneki koshish ki ja rahi he, wo sub jhoot he….. Allah hum sub ka bhalla kere …. ameen

  20. But of course, if Pervez sb had done anything wrong…. he would not be coming back to Pakistan….. He is the only saviour of the people of Pakistan…. and believe me, he will bring back the glory, that we once enjoyed…. Pakistan First

  21. Where is Imran Khan who keeps taunting others of 'shame'. What Imran Khan thinks about General Musharraf's statement?
    I think Gen Musharraf has no shame and keeps trumpeting his 'achievements'. You do not need to go in details again and again to recount his despicable action destroying democratic institutions of the country.

  22. Dear Musharaf Mian: Before you replaced that dumb Nawaz Sharif, did you calculate what would be your future after 10 to 20 years? It is here history jumps in and gives you its verdict. Give yourself a grade- F or A.

    Go back and reminisce the past. Had you a simple sense of fundamental arithmetic to calculate the gift of God that elevated you to head a country and make decisions for the betterment of your country men. You floundered and indulged in following the paths of of your predecessors and are meeting the same fate. I know questing is not not the mode of conversation among the gentlemen but for your information I qoute Kipling's poem:
    I keep six honest serving-men.
    (they taught me all I knew):
    Their names are What and Why and When
    And How and Where And Who.

    You missed the lesson and enjoy your future and forget the past.

    Thank you

  23. Ex-military dictator General (r) Pervez Musharraf was racist ruler. His hatred against Sindhis – Sons of Soil is on record. During his 8 and half years dictatorial rule, he never initiated / completed any mega development project meant to benefit Sons of Soil in Sindh. Such rulers must be tried in Anti apartheid UN Commission for observing racial discrimination against Sindhis.

  24. Yes very true indeed, no one is like Musharraf, no one can prove him corrupt, and "ANY ONE WHO IS NOT CORRUPT, CANNOT BE BOUGHT" WE KNOW HE IS THE VICTIM OF BIOS AND BRIBED MEDIA. Who cares Musharraf wins again or not, but this nation who is supporting zani, juwari, and shrabi khan will go to dozakh for sure.

  25. musharaf is the best ruler of pakistan my whole family like musharaf govt time after passing of zardaari govt time .
    musharaf is so strong motive for pakistan and for peopel of pakistan .
    sub say pehlay pakistan.
    in the upcoming time we welcome to musharf.

  26. General Sahib, You had complete authority for such along period which no political govt can think off but what was the final result, not even ZERRO in fact worst then when you had taken over. The present state of our country is the out come of your selfish and coward decissions. The biggest damage ever done to the Army was in your time, It was a shame when Army officers after their duty hours use to change into civil cloths to leave for their residences or to visit public places. Your selfish desire to save your power resulted in killing of thousand of innocent people. In short why are you hiding abroad, If you are a Muslim Soldier, come and face the facts.

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