Renewed South Sudan clashes kill at least 24


Renewed tribal clashes in South Sudan’s troubled Jonglei state have killed at least 24 people, days after a cattle vendetta rattled the stability of the world’s newest state, officials said Monday. “In Akobo East County, the town of Deng Jok was attacked and 22 people were killed,” Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang told AFP, adding that 20 more were seriously wounded and had been taken to hospital. “Also an attack was made in Kaikuin village, Akobo West — two women were killed and cattle taken,” he said, adding the attacks took place Sunday. South Sudan has declared Jonglei a national “disaster area” while the United Nations has said it will launch a “massive” emergency operation to help some 60,000 people affected by the violence.
In a dramatic escalation of bitter tit-for-tat attacks, an 8,000-strong militia army from the Lou Nuer tribe earlier this month marched on Pibor, home to the rival Murle people, whom they blame for abductions and cattle raiding. The UN humanitarian coordinator for South Sudan, Lise Grande, said last week that “tens, perhaps hundreds” could have died in the latest outbreak of violence in the young country, which declared independence only six months ago. The latest clashes were in homeland areas of the Lou Nuer people, but the attackers were reported not to be Murle as they live to the south of Akobo, while the gunmen this time had come from the west.