Singapore will slash its leaders’ unpopular multi-million-dollar salaries by at least a third, new guidelines showed Wednesday, but they will remain the world’s best-paid politicians. Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, who promised the salary review to ease public anger that surfaced in landmark 2011 elections, will take a 36 percent reduction in basic pay to Sg$2.2 million ($1.69 million).
That is still the highest salary of any elected head of government in the world — more than four times as much as Barack Obama who earns $400,000 a year as president of the United States. It is also more than 45 times the $36,200 annual salary, including allowances, that Manmohan Singh is paid as prime minister of India, a nation of 1.2 billion people.
The People’s Action Party (PAP), which has ruled Singapore since independence in 1965, has been on the defensive since its share of votes in the 2011 election fell to 60 percent, an all-time low. Among the hottest issues facing the PAP was ministers’ high pay, which the government has justified as necessary to attract talent from the private sector and to deter the corruption that afflicts other Asian countries.
Under the new scale the city-state’s largely ceremonial president will see his pay reduced by 51 percent to Sg$1.54 million, while entry-level cabinet members will receive half the premier’s salary. That still puts them well ahead of government leaders in the world’s major economies.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who heads Europe’s biggest economy, earns a gross salary of about 189,216 euros ($246,750) a year, less than France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy who earns just over 230,000 euros. Hong Kong chief executive Donald Tsang earns roughly $543,500 annually and the Japanese prime minister gets about $513,000 a year.