‘Dive in for great art to emerge’


Adnan Ali has always been good at sketching. He used to draw all sorts of brawny characters. And as soon as he got his “tools” (software), he stared working on the computer, manipulating his photographs and then creating characters of his own.
Ali, who did his certificate course in communication design from the Karachi School of Art, has always been an avid comic reader, especially manga. He loves watching animations and science fiction films. He believes those are the reasons he is attracted to creating worlds of his own.
While a lot of local and foreign work inspires him, his biggest inspiration is his mentor, Saad Irfan, who has influenced his work a great deal. Besides Irfan, Shahan Zaidi, Anas Riasat and Wasiq Haris also inspire him a lot.
Ali works as a concept artist at the Lucid Studio with Irfan and Riasat. “We normally get the brief from our clients, and then come up with the concept and conceptual illustrations for them, so that the process of animation could commence,” Ali said while talking about his work.
For him, personal work is more satisfying, but “working for a client has its own benefits. A client sets some limitations, which we have to follow, and producing a quality output within those limitations is an engaging challenge.”
While Ali admits that traditional art is not a piece of cake, his fascination with digital art stems from the limitless possibilities that it offers. “You can represent one thing in so many different ways. I just love it!” he said enthusiastically.
Making random strokes and creating something new with it is the most enjoyable aspect of being an artist to Ali. Moreover, manga, his passion for animation and his mentor Irfan keep the fire of constantly creating new art alive in him.
Talking about the future, he said he sees himself being credited as the lead animator in an internationally acclaimed animated film.
His advice to beginners: “No matter how talented you are, you should definitely enrol in an art school to polish your skills and learn new, more creative ways to express yourself.”
He said that working hard, trying to find your stronger abilities and being yourself would help loads. “Trust me! Your best art surfaces when you’re able to explore within yourself.”


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