Work on Rs59 billion Kurram Tangi dam from July this year


Work on Kurram Tangi Dam will commence from July this year and estimated cost of the project is Rs59 billion, which is estimated to generate 83.4MW electricity and will irrigate 350,000 acres command area in the Northern Waziristan. This information was provided to Senate Standing Committee on Water and Power chaired by Senator Lashkari Raisani. The meeting was informed the project would take four yeas to complete.
Chairman WAPDA, Shakeel Durrani said that the donors were ready to finance the project. He said the dam was estimated to earn Rs15 billion per annum and the total cost would be recovered in four years. The government had already allocated Rs100 million for the project for the current fiscal year’s public sector development programme.
Managing Director Private Power and Infrastructure Board (PPIB) N A Zuberi told the committee that during the tenure of the present government 2500 MW were added in the system and an investment of $4.5 billion was made in the sector. He said PPIB was working on 37 projects having 11,000 MW capacity. The meeting deferred approval of PPIB Bill 2011 after it was mentioned that the draft mentions Gilgit Baltistan as a province. The authorities were asked to rectify the mistake and submit it for approval on January 13 meeting.
Earlier MD PPIB told the committee that the board was operating for the last 18 years on a notification of the Prime Minister Secretariat and investors were concerned of its legal status. He said passage of the bill would help in that regard. He said the bill was moved many times in the past but before its passage the assemblies were dissolved.


  1. i am from shewa ,waziristan kohat university of science and tecnology personaly i and other resident of shewa tehsil are not agree with the construction of kurram tangi dam ,, because ist we are not ready to leave of our homeland, -lose our nighbours and can,t see to sink the grave of grandfathers { SHEWA FAKIR} . as we love our culture and proud to be waziristani ..{ SAEED ULLAH MUKHTAR }

    • Can you help me in finding the history of your grandfather Faqir of Shewa. Shakeel Ahmad

  2. SALIM MALIK from shewa………………
    we the people of shewa will not be agree to give r to live our homeland for the constraction of dam,i know that it will give so many benifits for pakistan and will help in pakistani economy and i also know that it is very necessary step for marwat and karak people but here in shewa the population is very high the past ranking identify the shewa population is 4000 before the pakistan freedam,so it is also very dificult for shewa peoople to transfar to another place frm here,it is also dificult for pakistani govt to handale the people at the time of anouncement of this dam project,a great war will take place between the shewa people and pakistani govt,so i want to pliz leave this project becoz we did not want to fight against pakistani govt,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

    • hello mr ayob khosa sahab just mind ur own business, dont talk abt dam issue,okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  3. haji Abdul majid frm shewa ,

    observation provide that the people of shewa totaly against the project of kurram tangi dam due to allot of problem generate by the dam to there resident,,
    ist govt not show any possitive response to the owner,s of land ,
    2nd migration frm motherland ,
    internal political game , etc inhance obstical to construct the dam

    • khudai wo work ka sok wo lwora khabara worwi no o thos pa damra ghaty khabray zaghezy

  4. we the residents of room no c8 golden tower peshawar are totally agree with the construction of kurran tangi dam. if this dam was made early then there would be not such heart breaking events in this area. although we have our properties, houses and neighbours there in shewa bt we want the independence of our people and that is just possible when the dam will be constructed. govt should not keep focus on the upper comments written by some short minded guys. they dont know about the future of thierselves and r not thinking about the people of shewa.

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