Iran closes border


Pakistani authorities have yet to decide what to do with three Iranian border guards who they say crossed into southwestern Pakistan while chasing after smugglers and killed one of them, a private TV channel reported on Monday, as Iran closed its border with Pakistan over the incident.
The incident occurred on Sunday in the Mazah Sar area of Balochistan, where the border is often not clearly marked. Aalam Farez, a senior government official in Washuk district, where Mazah Sar is located, told the TV channel that the Iranians admitted to inadvertently crossing into Pakistan. But, he said, they claimed the two people they shot, one of whom died, were bystanders and that the people they were chasing escaped.
After the shooting, Pakistani border personnel chased the Iranians back across the border and detained them, Pakistani officials said. They also seized the surviving gunshot victim and determined both of those who had been shot were petty smugglers.


  1. O for God's sake Iranians are our friends and brothers – I am sure it was an honest mistake. If we can release frikkin Raymond Davis we can certainly let these guys go. Don't make an issue out of this.

    • And what iranian navy is doing with pakistani fisherman. yesterday they took 17people along with 3 of their boats by invading into pakistani area. and this was not first incident. some days ago they even killed some pakistani fishermen. so dear if we think they are our friends they should act like friends and not like an enemy.

  2. These Iranian border personnel are junki killers they dont respact any human rights, belive in procecution untill proven guilty they like to shoot any one like yanks are doning in Afgan and else where some time for fun.

  3. You Pakies are disliked by just about everyone on this planet for a good reason.

    You don't have many friends while bowing like pathetic beggars to the Americans for a few dollars.

    Your government and military gives the corrupt Indians a run for their money.

    You are murdered by your Jewish ans American masters on a daily basis.

    Iran is the only country on this planet that wants to be a friend and can help you overcome your beggar state.

    Yet, you pathetic excuse of cowards betray Iran on a daily basis and have the audacity to protect your smelly terrorists infiltrating Iran to murder sons and fathers by killing and detaining Iranians?

    You are lucky Iranians are smarter than you and contain the situation amicably.

    Otherwise your corrupt military men would have been killed like cockroaches.

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