Memo case: Asma criticises SC`s decision


Asma Jahangir criticised the SC decision on memo case admissibility on Friday, a private TV channel reported. Talking to journalists outside the Supreme Court, former Supreme Court Bar Association president and counsel for ex-ambassador of Pakistan to US, Hussain Haqqani, Asma Jahngir said that apex court had gone far beyond the petitioners’ demand and no ray of hope could be seen from court’s decision. Asma asked that whether the court was serving the masses or the establishment.
She said that one day this decision of the Supreme Court would create problems for the petitioners as well. The entire struggle for restoration of judiciary was in vain and we had got the reward in the form of this decision, Asma regretted. She said that if criticism on the court’s decision regarding memo case was contempt of the court, she was ready to go to jail then.


  1. great lady ,
    supreme courts Judges are so biased , never believed it
    it was like trying to convince the Judges who have already made decisions , still great effort Ms Asma Jahangir !!

    • sham u r ignorant blind deaf kaafir foul mouth scumbg !!!!! asma jehangir is pak patriot brvae lady who speaks the truth .. sc judges are traitors insulting SACH HAQ ISLAM PAKISTAN SIMILAR TO THOSE KILLERS WHO KILLED SHAH HUSSAIN IN KARBALA !!!! U R A MADDOG!!!

  2. Ms Asma Jaghamgir is a brave woman. She is quite right to say that the decision taken by the justices is not right.
    The justices have admitted that the generals in the armed forces are sacred cow s and they are a taboo. They can do whatever they like with impunity. Where on the earth one finds generals out of the ambit of the civilian government. This decision will have important repercussions on fledgling democracy in Pakistan.

    • i entirely dissagree the decision simply states that the memo needs to be investigated,it has not incriminated any one neither has declared anyone sacred cow infact the investigation should have started immediately but was delayed.

      • You are wrong. The decision appoints a special three-judge commission. Next is the jurisdictional issue that is in conflict with parliamentary process. Status of "Sacred cow" is noted as a strong bias through it's own statement.

        It would (likely) further deepen the chasm between the ruling Pakistan Peoples Party and the military. This may be good for PPP's opposition but likely to cause harm to establishing a parliamentary democracy (bigger goal) in the country…

    • leave aside the generals from this case for a moment and consider PMLN as a normal civilain..just consider for a moment that this pettition was from a civilian..NOW tell me what exactly is so hard to find that this case should not be heard..Asma is indeed a brave woman but she is using her skills and draging politics and armed force involvement in this..just consider the trail of MEMO.. the guy who received it confiremed it..the guy who played the role of a postman confirmed it..and the guy in contact with HH confirmed it..the BBM also confirmed it…if u say Mansoor Ijaz is a crock n he did this in the 90s then guess what, the other guy involved in that very case was HUSSAIN this a coincidence as well? who are we defending? we are calling Mansoor Ijaz a crock and we are denying the fact that if we are calling him a crock just because of that very case in the 90s then sir ji HUSSAIN HAQANI was himself involved in THAT CASE. he was one of the mastermind of that… why dont u guys understand..just let the courts decide the issue… if u dont believe in the courts then damn it we r doomed ..we are dead n burried..just let the courts do its job

    • Yes, a brave brave Asma. The real person in Pakistan who can judge things without wested interests and can stand up for her beliefs and idealogies.


  4. This woman is paranoid and needs help. Her license to practice law should be withdrawn immediately. She talks like a street smartass let alone an advocate of the Supreme Court.. One wonders how and why she got elected as the president of the bar. Her Bar room comments are an embarrassment when uttered in the Court room, she is a sense of proportion case.

  5. Asma Jehangir is well reputed lawyer, who have stood for the rights, she was in forefront of resistance against Musharraf, Mullah's usurping the rights of women. Any self respecting citizen of Pakistan wouldn't disapprove her. She is a beacon of hope during the nationalistic jingoism…Army has no bussiness to dictate representatives that we have elected to the parliament.

  6. She is the real fighter & democrat who has shown the spin to fight for civilian supermacy in a supposed democracy which is threatened by the anti democratic forces


  8. Existence of Pakistan is more important than democracy.The woman has lost her marbles.She should be right away stripped off from the bar presidency.

  9. Sometimes I wonder if the struggle to free judiciary was right move 🙁 Im disappointed with this decision. Asma is one of the bravest lady we have in this country and a highly respectecd lawyer. Before we start criticising her, look at her achievements.

  10. then send her in jail…she deserves this……..western minded elite social activist who works just to defame Pakistan……….she didnt dare to speak even a single word in Raymon davis case cz she knew it could offend her whites master…………….simply hate this lady

  11. This woman and several others of her ilk are secularoon liberaloon and kanjaroon..They are using the trojan horse of these terms to hoodwink muslims..These westernised vultures hate Islam and muslims with a vengeance….An Iran like Mullah ayatullah and learned and smart persons like the is needed to rid Pakistan of these Ba Ba Blacksheep english-medium scum.

  12. This pathetic woman seeks destruction of Pakistan through Zardari and his cronies…Hence forth she should be tried for treason for supporting someone who is a threat to national security… Apart from that she went as far as to disrespect the national institutions including judiciary and the armed forces…not only that she has openly proved that she suffers from a massive character faliure…as for those who are saying she is brave person…. There is no bravery in supporting a coward..The very person against whom evidence has been found maligning state institutions and then denies it open public is nothing but a coward.

  13. Asma is intellectual women if she says something against apex court then there is something.. She is the bravo women; she support cause of Judges restoration she stand against the dictatorship and never bow her head even she have many offers.. Salam Asma …

  14. We have a whiz-kid Aarifa Karim who brought laurels to this country and is presently fighthing for her life, and on the other we have this floozy, who has yet to realize that this is the time for her to repent lest, the angel of death knocks on her door!

  15. We have a whiz-kid Aarifa Karim who brought laurels to this country and is presently fighthing for her life, and on the other we have this floozy, who has yet to realize that this is the time for her to repent lest, the angel of death knocks on her door!

  16. Obviously she not going to like it cause court decision against govt. and she is govt lawyer and belong to PPP as well

  17. She is interpreting sc to give decion in their favour other wise would no accept this I think she should go beyond these think look for larger intrest of country

  18. Chief Justice did a great job until now, Because he is thinking only for the country, What Aasma and PPP did never even tried.

  19. Asma is a woman of principles. Her criticism of judgement is right. As far as her critics are concerned, their language itself speaks about them. One can differ with another person but expression should be decent.

  20. Well I think, she is saying it out of grievance she has for ISI. Obviously she has been paid higher fees, few words for sympathy for HAQQANI does not do much of the harm. SAB APMA ULLU SEEDHA KARTE HAIN QUAID-E-AZAM KE BAAD. Her advocacy fees bill must not stuck. Additionally, I have few questions….. I do not understand that WHAT IS WRONG IF THE COMMISSION HAS BEEN INSTATED BY JUDICIARY CONSISTING OF HIGH PROFILE JUDGES?. If HAQQANI and ZARDARI are innocent than why they do not want matter be investigated from people of high credibility? WHY PPP government has no faith in CJP who fought with the stubborn dictator for justice? or is it that they are fearful of the truth being unearthed?? And if we suppose that if all (except PPP belonged people) are currupt then PPP should happily except the SHAHADAT. KYUN KE YEH TO SHAHEEDON KI PARTY HAI…..??????

  21. In the name of democracy Pakistanis should have strong tolerance.
    People have right of criticism of Supreme Court judgement dated 30th Dec. 2011, and Asma Jahangir but not using abusing words for her. One can differ with another person but expression should be decent.
    I think in the name of democracy we should have strong tolerance in our self otherwise we will only blame each other. Blame gaming is not a part of either democratic or Islamic culture. Using such comments like”Devil’s advocate – A witch, Indian advocate, etc. “are not reasonable and are unjustified. She also did some good work for example fighting for disappeared persons. She was president of SC bar recently how she could be Indian advocate or Devil’s advocate suddenly?
    Personally I have deep differences with Asma Jahangir on the issue of child labour, slave child labour, bonded labour and HRCP report 1995 on the murder of BLLF child activist Iqbal Masih who was killed by carpet mafia on 16 April 1995 at Muridke, Lahore. Asma Jahangir and HRCP supported the police version. HRCP declared a freed slave child Iqbal Masih (12 years old) to be an adult, without any proof even the parents said that Iqbal Masih was a child. In this way, HRCP supported slavery and child slavery. HRCP had very close relations with then Benazir Bhutto’s government in 1995. Benazir Bhutto sent Mr. Iqbal Hader (HRCP’s Comrade) minister of human rights affairs, abroad to spread misinformation that Pakistan is free from bonded labour and child slavery. Regret to say that Asma Jahangir had personal relationship with Benazir Bhutto’s government under the table, reason known to her.
    Asma Jahangir gave liable statements against Iqbal Masih and me. Benazir Bhutto government registered a false high treason case on the basis of that, against a great late journalist Zaferyab Ahmed and me due to our work against slavery in Pakistan. HRCP report 1995, on the murder of BLLF child activist Iqbal Masih, was used to register the false high treason case against us.
    Zaferyab Ahmed arrested by FIA and tortured, later he lived in exile in USA and was brought back by his relatives when he was seriously sick. He passed away on 25th January 2006 in Lahore. I am living in force exile in Sweden since April 1995. Every government denied giving NOC for my repatriation during more than 16 years period. Lahore High Court abolished the high treason case FIR on 28th November 2001, declared the case false, baseless and unlawful. We got the vindication. I asked Asma Jahangir on the death of Zaferyab Ahmed on 25th January 2006 through press and media that she and Human Rights Commission of Pakistan should apologise publicly and write apology letters to Iqbal Masih’s mother and BLLF (Bonded Labour Liberation Front of Pakistan) on its anti-human right act by supporting police version. Asma did not respond up to now. Murder cases like Liaquat Ali Khan, Benazir Bhutto and Iqbal Masih are mysteries because they are comprises and target murders by secret hands.
    Still I have never even think about to use any abusive words for Asma Jahangir, because that is against the culture of democracy.

    Ehsan Ullah Khan

    President BLLF Global
    [email protected]
    phone; +46 707 686564

    Founder BLLF
    Bonded Labour Liberation Front of Pakistan

  22. the attitude of Mrs. Aasma is not an advocate. being advocate we have very big responsibility. Mrs. Aasma. corrupt Government cant not protected. Mrs. Aasma you know very well how the PPP managed for getting Government. is corruption allow in any Religion , constitution, law than billion of rupees corruption did by this PPP and Past PPP party. Mrs. Aasma being advocate you should reserve your comments. you know very well how mach law rules were followed in Supreme Court Present election. legally these election are void but you accepted it, why because you won the president seat. it mean you can accept those decision which are according your whims. Saad Shibli ASc

  23. In the name of democracy Pakistanis should have strong tolerance.

    People have right of criticism of Supreme Court judgement dated 30th Dec. 2011, and Asma Jahangir but not using abusing words for her. One can differ with another person but expression should be decent.

    I think in the name of democracy we should have strong tolerance in our self otherwise we will only blame each other. Blame gaming is not a part of either democratic or Islamic culture. Using such comments like”Devil’s advocate – A witch, Indian advocate, etc. “are not reasonable and are unjustified. She also did some good work for example fighting for disappeared persons. She was president of SC bar recently how she could be Indian advocate or Devil’s advocate suddenly?

    Personally I have deep differences with Asma Jahangir on the issue of child labour, slave child labour, bonded labour and HRCP report 1995 on the murder of BLLF child activist Iqbal Masih who was killed by carpet mafia on 16 April 1995 at Muridke, Lahore. Asma Jahangir and HRCP supported the police version.

    HRCP declared a freed slave child Iqbal Masih (12 years old) to be an adult, without any proof even the parents said that Iqbal Masih was a child. In this way, HRCP supported slavery and child slavery. HRCP had very close relations with then Benazir Bhutto’s government in 1995. Benazir Bhutto sent Mr. Iqbal Hader (HRCP’s Comrade) minister of human rights affairs, abroad to spread misinformation that Pakistan is free from bonded labour and child slavery. Regret to say that Asma Jahangir had personal relationship with Benazir Bhutto’s government under the table, reason known to her.
    Asma Jahangir gave liable statements against Iqbal Masih and me. Benazir Bhutto government registered a false high treason case on the basis of that, against a great late journalist Zaferyab Ahmed and me due to our work against slavery in Pakistan. HRCP report 1995, on the murder of BLLF child activist Iqbal Masih, was used to register the false high treason case against us.

    Zaferyab Ahmed arrested by FIA and tortured, later he lived in exile in USA and was brought back by his relatives when he was seriously sick. He passed away on 25th January 2006 in Lahore. I am living in force exile in Sweden since April 1995. Every government denied giving NOC for my repatriation during more than 16 years period. Lahore High Court abolished the high treason case FIR on 28th November 2001, declared the case false, baseless and unlawful. We got the vindication. I asked Asma Jahangir on the death of Zaferyab Ahmed on 25th January 2006 through press and media that she and Human Rights Commission of Pakistan should apologise publicly and write apology letters to Iqbal Masih’s mother and BLLF (Bonded Labour Liberation Front of Pakistan) on its anti-human right act by supporting police version. Asma did not respond up to now.

    Murder cases like Liaquat Ali Khan, Benazir Bhutto and Iqbal Masih are mysteries because they are comprises and target murders by secret hands.

    Still I have never even think about to use any abusive words for Asma Jahangir, because that is against the culture of democracy.

    Ehsan Ullah Khan
    President BLLF Global

    [email protected]
    phone; +46 707 686564

    Founder BLLF
    Bonded Labour Liberation Front of Pakistan

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