Imran’s open house party


The contradictions between what Imran Khan has been saying for years and the type of turncoats he is welcoming into the party are glaringly visible and shocking. He has given a clean chit to a former foreign minister of Gen Musharraf, who during his tenure sang praises for every act of the dictator and became party to usurping the constitution. This dictator succumbed to one telephone call of a low key US official, ordered Lal Masjid massacre, Bugti killing, was responsible for missing Pakistanis, drone attacks and giving bases to NATO.
It was this gentleman whose family school business was given scores of acres of prime real estate belonging to Railways, to run the schools built on these premises and mint billions. Has this gentleman given subsidised education to the poor, although he has got land almost free from every government he has been part of? There is hardly any government of which the man has not been part of and of whom he did not sing praises while they were in power. Then there are sons of a former sardar who having served the dictator have now joined Imran and has become dry-cleaned.
These are habitual turncoats, men whose families served the colonial occupation for centuries and were rewarded suitably for pledging their loyalty to foreign occupation. Politics is not cricket where cricketers play the game in accordance with their skills irrespective of who the skipper is. Politics, on the other hand, can either be a business for opportunists and turncoats, or an avenue for ideologically committed people to serve the nation. This open house policy to welcome every electable feudal, land grabber and opportunist may harm Imran Khan’s credibility.



  1. Well said Tassadaq; couldn't agree more. A bunch of feudal politicians cannot bring change. How can they bring a revolution against themselves in favour of the poor populace of Pakistan. They have just painted their faces to come anew to political arena.

  2. SALAM ,
    Imran Khan is by far the best leader at the moment . There are lot of haters because they are jealous of growing popularity of Imran Khan. I request everyone please forget these old leaders. They had their chances and they are just a disappointment to the nation. Our youth is so keen to leave own country and even willing to wash dishes in UK and America. Who should be blamed for that? These corrupt leaders, as there are no opportunities in Pakistan for our youth . These politicians and their party members just spend their time in justifying transparency of their leaders, which is absolutely false. They have properties all over the world, and people in Pakistan are living below the poverty line. Please Wake up and choose new leaders who are transparent and more credible.

  3. what these journalist want , imran khan is hope ,
    it does not matter who come and go
    matter is choice compare imran khan with others

  4. "shocking", "turncoat", "feudal", "land grabber", "opportunist" etc…

    The author used every word he/she could possible think of in an attempt to undermine Imran khan….but guess what? We are still voting for Imran Khan… suck it up and learn to live with it!

    Bye now!

  5. The writer does not seem to have any knowledge of either cricket or politics when he wrongly says, "Politics is not cricket where cricketers play the game in accordance with their skills irrespective of who the skipper is.". In both fields of cricket and politics there is an equal chance of following captains honestly and judiciously or behave like opportunists.

  6. It would be an absolute travesty if the people of Pakistan don't bring Imran into power. The other two parties are tried and tested and looted the entire country. Let's give this guy a chance. He might dissapoint but he might not. We won't know this until we give him a chance whereas with the other two parties we know for a fact that it will be another dissapointment like it has been for the last 50 yrs or so. So come on guys, vote for Imran in the next general election. Inshallah, he won't dissapoint. Anyone who votes for anyone but him is quite frankly an enemy of Pakistan and does not want things to change.

  7. Pakistantoday, can't you find better writers? Even in school essays if you claim something you back it with some factual arguments. No matter what you say Mr. Mir, the people of Pakistan have already decided to dump the Sharif and Bhutto/Zardari dynasties.

  8. The man who married a jewish heiress now claims to protect islamic interests!! This is a lie!! Americans now know that days of Zardari are over, they are promoting their new agent-in-chief for their pakistani mission. Imran is just another agent of the American interests. He went to an English school, university, married English american women, always flirted with them around the world. Now he claims to be our saviour. Fool me once -shame on You. Fool me twice – shame on me.

  9. Stupidly written article, unsuccessfully trying to connect Imran Khan to all the unconstitutional deeds of Pervaiz Musharraf. We all remember ver well that Imran Khan was the most vocal critic of Pervaiz Musharraf's policies. So shut up and dont try to preach us this utter non-sense. Imran Khan is the man. Go Imran Khan !!

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