Pakistani filmmaker wins ‘outstanding’ award in Asian festival


Filmmaker Shah Zaman Baloch has been one of the two South Asians to win an award in the Busan International Film Festival whose results were announced in December 2011. The winner of the other award was Ridhesh Sejpal (India). In an interview with Pakistan Today, Baloch said that he was “proud and extremely happy” to win an Outstanding Performance Award for the category of Cinematographer. He was working with a team in a film called Keepers.
“In all there were about 24 film makers who took part in this film festival,” said Baloch. “We had to make a film together divided into teams, and there were categories for awards out of which I won from Cinematographer.” Baloch received around 5,000USD for his award which could be for personal use or for taking another course. The course which is held annually in South Korea and is one of the most significant film festivals in Asia aims to introduce new films and first time directors.