Pakistan Today

Consolidation through intra provincial trade

With the deteriorating macro-economic indicators, the value of Pakistani rupee has fallen drastically, almost like the infamous “ London bridge”. Even the most optimistic would give up the hope that this cloud of devaluation has a silver lining. Taking this into consideration, the first question we need to answer, collectively as a nation is “How could a nation survive with no or less buying capacity?” What other options do we have, if we are not carrying money in our bags.
Some would suggest that we exchange things in “barter” as nations and people have over the years done. And once again we plunge down to the level of mockery, looking to revert back to medieval practices, like barter. Is it prevalent these days? Exchanging things, do we have valuables that can be considered as exchangeable commodities?
Somebody was talking about ‘Martin Luther’ that day. I would say we need a ‘Marx’ rather than Luther, a man, who could tell us in simple words how to pay heed to the theory of surplus value. To convince our educated, decent, enlightened government that they should make an effort to implement, the concurrent list; as provided by the constitution of Pakistan, which caters for ideas like ‘surplus value’ of commodities and “intra provincial trade” in Pakistan. We must follow the materialistic interpretation of history, which Karl Marx had already started, back in the 19th century. “With Marx socialism became international or cosmopolitan in scope“.
We need to evaluate, who gets the credit and how? This can happen with honest trade between Baluchistan and Punjab or the other provinces; if they have any commodities to trade upon. The revenue generated from trade between provinces must be allocated to improve infrastructural facilities for the people of the province in question. Moreover, when and if they get their due “profit” as surplus they would cooperate more since it serves their own benefit. There is an urgent need to tap indigenous resources from Balochistan in a way that ensure that the locals are able to benefit from the resources as well.
Advantages of intra – provincial trade in Pakistan Trade amongst provinces shall bring about positive change in the body politic of Pakistan. Following are a few merits of intra-provincial trade:

n Better use of natural resources
n Benefits for deprived provinces
n Provincial autonomy
n Uniformity of policy
n Improved distribution of wealth

Better use of natural resources

When there is regular trade between all four provinces of Pakistan; our natural resources will be better utilised, as every province will take keen interest, in improving their personal products. Punjab must think about increasing the productivity of it’s crops and fruits. Balochistan on their part should think about creating modernised infra structure, like construction of schools, roads, bridges and catering to geological surveys on mineral extraction. This way their input and out put will be more utilitarian. Converting wealth and resources into utility will prevent our wealth from further devaluation, as we would be focusing more on resource and asset building rather than money. A refined, preserved resource has more economic value than money.

Benefits for deprived provinces

So far we have not been able to do justice to our provinces, as far as provincial rights are concerned. If we give them a chance to have their own trade with other provinces of Pakistan, they will feel more confident and work harder, in order to get their products approved in the national market. This can enable the traders to develop their products in accordance with international standards and thus prepare them for entering the export markets abroad.

Provincial autonomy

Independent trade between provinces will pave way for better performance and individual enterprise by provincial government; especially in the field of commerce and trade. This independence will further diminish their feeling of deprivation. Therefore; there will be an overall efficient outlook amongst provincial government.

Uniformity of policy

Provision of equal opportunity for every province without any provincial bias is the need of the hour. There should be no bias as all four provinces have equal status according to the constitution of Pakistan.

Improved distribution of wealth

The citizens of Pakistan need to contribute more towards national consolidation. With a better share in the economy they will be motivated to take active part in the civil government. Improved distribution of wealth will inevitably gain popularity as it aims at providing solution to the ills of the “body politic” of Pakistan, in effect curing the widespread disease of discontent in our country.

Feelings of brotherhood amongst all four provinces of Pakistan

This way we can promise a more cordial and stronger relationship between provinces of Pakistan. They will get to know each other well with internal trade. They will foster a feeling of belonging which might result in concrete national consolidation, as we rise again as a nation.

In a nut shell

No one can deny the importance of trade in a country, within or outside its boundaries. No country can exist without expanding trade. We are a diverse nation with four different provinces. Having varied cultures and resources.Yet, there is a difference between letting others exploit your resources and utilising your own resources according to your own demands. Exploiting your own resources for one’s own collective benefit gives one the feeling of self determination and self empowerment. Along with a proud feeling of possession that you have resources and are smart enough to utilise them according to your needs. It leads to healthy competition and we tend to perform well when we ourselves are the legal beneficiary of our legal rights. This feeling of autonomy gives us a sense of integrity. By doing so, we in effect break away from the begging bowl and strive for a stronger economy; based on self reliance. We also learn to avoid extravagant living and make an honest effort to curtail our expenditures; within our limits. If a nation is not economically strong; it would not survive as an independent sovereign state. It was rightly proclaimed by Marx, “All history is economic history”.

The writer is a freelance contributor. For comments and queries:

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