Karzai urges ‘neighbourly’ ties with Pakistan


Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Tuesday urged Pakistan not to forge its policy on Afghanistan based on its rivalries with either India or the United States.
“We want Pakistan to have an independent policy towards Afghanistan. It should not look at Afghanistan based on its relations with India and America. Pakistan should approach us as its neighbour,” Karzai told local television.
Karzai said he was trying not to involve his country in regional rivalries, so that when NATO-led foreign combat troops withdraw in 2014, Afghanistan can become a successful centre for international business. “We are trying to turn Afghanistan into a country where in the years between 2014 and 2024 it won’t be a scene of negative rivalries and clashes,” he said.
“Instead it will be a place for cooperation, business and economy, and a main transition route between central, south and east Asia.” He said the next president, who will take office after elections in three years time, should be “sincere, patriotic, efficient and a person trusted by all the people of Afghanistan”. Karzai, whose second and final term in office will end in 2014, said he would support such a candidate, and has previously vowed not to seek a third term.