Father calls Norway killer ‘worst terrorist’ since WWII


The father of Norwegian right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in twin attacks in July, says his son is the “worst terrorist” since World War II, in an interview released Wednesday. Jens Breivik, 76, a retired diplomat who lives in the south of France, told German news weekly Stern that he last had contact with his son about six years ago by phone but that he now wanted to visit him in prison.
“I want to look him in the eyes. Perhaps I am in a position to arouse feelings in him,” he told Stern in comments published in German. “He is the worst terrorist since the Second World War. He killed 77 innocent people and isn’t even showing remorse,” he added in an interview. Breivik, who divorced Anders’s mother when he was one year old, said they did not have much of a father-son relationship and had no common interests. But he indicated he felt a sense of guilt.