PPP MPs want heads to roll


With the memo controversy remaining on top of everything and the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) taking it as a threat to its government, a number of participants of the parliamentary party meeting chaired by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani on Friday stood in support of their leadership and said the army chief and the chief justice should be asked to resign, and also demanded the removal of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief.
A source told Pakistan Today that as the meeting at PM’s House went into session to discuss the situation, some PPP parliamentarians criticised the role of the army chief and the ISI chief by drawing a parallel between what Mansoor Ijaz had said about Husain Haqqani and what he claimed about the ISI chief travelling to some Arab countries for support to remove President Asif Ali Zardari. They, the source said, also questioned the neutrality of the chief justice and said all the three top men – the army chief, the ISI chief and the chief justice – should quit. “Chaudhry Ghafoor and Mumtaz Gilani demanded resignation of the army chief and the chief justice besides urging the leadership to remove the ISI chief,” the source said.
Meanwhile, the parliamentary party meeting of the PPP decided in principle to start a dialogue with the political forces, including Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) President Nawaz Sharif, and fully expose those conspiring against the democratic government in the wake of the memo controversy.

The meeting was extraordinary in terms of the fact that PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, for the first time, formally chaired the party’s meeting. Moreover, it was the first meeting of the parliamentary party to discuss the memo case.
Another source, who wished to remain unnamed, told Pakistan Today that the extraordinary meeting was held here to evaluate the political situation in the wake of the memo controversy. He also quoted Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani as telling his party-men that the army leadership should have submitted their replies on the memo issue via the Defence Ministry through proper channel, instead of directly submitting them to the apex court. Interior Minister Rehman Malik, Information Minister Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan and PPP Information Secretary Qamar Zaman Kaira also came under fire in the ruling party’s meeting for not properly defending the government on memogate.
“During the meeting, MNA Nadeem Afzal Gondal suggested that there was a dire need to take PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif and other anti-establishment forces into confidence over the situation and pressures being faced by the government. This proposal was also endorsed by Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani,” said the source. The source added that Gondal also called for strongly defending the party’s stance at all forums, which he said was badly lacking as neither the Information Ministry nor the party’s Media Wing was doing it, and all were ducking the media critique giving an impression that the government’s version was weak.
“This triggered a debate which lasted for around an hour with most of the party MPs blasting the information minister and information wing of the PPP for not defending the party,” said the source.
Another party leader said Rehman Malik was also grilled by the party leaders for making useless claims of capturing the killers of slain former prime minister Benazir Bhutto. “The minister should either arrest the killers of our leader or he should avoid making a new statement each time he faces the media,” the source quoted another party MNA as saying.
The source said that one parliamentarian was of the opinion that if Husain Haqqani was made to resign, the ISI chief should also resign.
PREPARE FOR POLLS: During the meeting, Prime Minister Gilani asked the MPs to get their development schemes completed in the shortest period of time so that if elections are held before time, they should be in a good position to contest them.
“If you need more funds, I will give them to you from my special funds. But do get your schemes completed so you can win on the basis of your performance. Moreover, get your party organisations completed at the grassroots level in time to face any emergency situation,” the source quoted the prime minister as saying.
Vowing to fight the conspiracies against the democratic process, Prime Minister Gilani said there was no truth to the memo affair and this was a conspiracy against the democratically elected government.
The PPP meeting, convened by Gilani, also pledged to face all challenges and not to bow before any adversary. He urged party members to prepare themselves for the elections and gear up momentum after March. Addressing the meeting, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari termed the PPP a party that excelled in sacrifice. He said he was happy to be among the party leaders and he would learn from their experiences and advice.
He also questioned why other national issues such as the hanging of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, the Kargil operation and efforts to destabilise the government were not treated as treason cases, while the memogate issue was being vociferously touted as treason. He urged all PPP leaders to take the people into confidence over the issue.


  1. Young Bilawal must realize that while PPP has made sacrifices in the past, it still does not justify all the corruption and rampant cronyism that his father has indulged in during last 3 years. The common mam who travels by railway, and inflated price of basic eatable has hit him hard. The Rental Power Sacm has inflicted an energy crisis which has caused massive unemployment, while it were poor Hajjis who were fleeced and not the VIP hajis. What relief has been given to common man by PPP?. Either PPP starts to clean up the leeches within them, or they will lose badly. Why not bring good honest men to head Pak Railway, PIA, PSM, NHA, NICL,PASSCO etc.

    • I am sorry i tried to vote up but my touch phone hit it on vote down. Allah maaf karay mujhay ..:p my vote for ur comment is thumbs up..:)

  2. kian pasha gelani nd zardari ko jana chahie kion k ye amrica k ghulam hay kiani ko ghulami k badlay 3saal mil gaye pasha ko remond devas k badlay 1saal awr zardari gelani keliey army ka NRO in sub ko jana chaiey.

  3. it is true that we have learned one thing from history that we have learned nothing from history, when PPP came into power it had excellent choice to win over people by good governance, enforcement of law ad order situation, restoration of the supremacy of the constitutional system but it chose the other way, the much beaten way ! PPP has been in the government for the record 4 times but every time they are in the same situation.. as far as Bilalwal “DONT KNOW HOW HE CHOSE TO BE BHUTTO” is concerned Gentleman you cannot justify murder, malpractice, corruption, nepotism just by presenting the logic that everyone does so why not us ???

    Pakistan Army must also learn from history, it must dissociate itself and investigate all the controversies associated with it including Kargil, 1999 Coup detat, Zia’s take over, they were not the people responsible that time, i do not know why they choose to defend them!

    i had been an ardent believer of democracy but now i have come to conclusion that the politician who are elected do not have the capability to run a Small company how can they run a whole nuclear powered country of 180 million with souring issues… they have their own priority and Pakistan might be the last or even might not be in it.

    the best form of government for Pakistan is Technocratic form supported by Judiciary, Army and all the stake holders unless the Educated of us who are Pakistanis and muslim and nothing else are ready to take over the reins.

    Pakistan Zindabad !

  4. it is true that we have learned one thing from history that we have learned nothing from history, when PPP came into power it had excellent choice to win over people by good governance, enforcement of law ad order situation, restoration of the supremacy of the constitutional system but it chose the other way, the much beaten way ! PPP has been in the government for the record 4 times but every time they are in the same situation.. as far as Bilalwal “DONT KNOW HOW HE CHOSE TO BE BHUTTO” is concerned Gentleman you cannot justify murder, malpractice, corruption, nepotism just by presenting the logic that everyone does so why not us ???
    Pakistan Army must also learn from history, it must dissociate itself and investigate all the controversies associated with it including Kargil, 1999 Coup detat , Zia’s take over, they were not the people responsible that time, i do not know why they choose to defend them!
    i had been an ardent believer of democracy but now i have come to conclusion that the politician who are elected do not have the capability to run a Small company how can they run a whole nuclear powered country of 180 million with souring issues… they have their own priority and Pakistan might be the last or even might not be in it.
    the best form of government for Pakistan is Technocratic form supported by Judiciary, Army and all the stake holders unless the Educated of us who are Pakistanis and Muslim and nothing else are ready to take over the reins.
    Pakistan Zindabad !

  5. Look who is talking. The parliament which has become a virtual rubber stump; the democracy which is another form of kingship. Why Benazir followed Bhutto and Bilawal to Benazir, why Hamza should take the throne after Shahbaz Sharif, why Moonis Illahi is being trained to replace Pervez Illahi. Army as an

  6. Shame on this Terrorist ISI & naPAK Army. They destroyed the whole fabric of society. They are making the society and its people as extremists and Suicide-bombers.

  7. Dear Mr Laboob-e-Labaab or perhaps Lubay Labaab

    You most certainly have drawn a very inaccurate conclusion. Present day Pakistan society can be compared with the British Society in mid nineteenth century (around 1850) and the American Society in the beginning of the twentieth century (around 1920's).

    The bottom line (Lubay Lubaab) is that Pakistan society will also grow out of this. There is nothing to be gained from a criticism of an institution, in this case Armed Forces of Pakistan in general and Pakistan Army in particular, or a political party of Pakistan.
    I would go into details, time permitting, in case your study of history does not provide an answer..

    In the meantime please don't lose heart.

    A Quirk
    17th December 2011

  8. Democracy is always the victim…kargil was done by army, Nawaz had to go, Afghan jihad was done by Zia, Junejo had to go for attending Geneva convention, Army is giving shelter to Haqqanis and obl, now PPP government has to go…kare koi bhare koi…!

  9. USA is going to another mission in this area perhaps Pakistan or Iran next battle field of USA…….. for this purpose Army govt is necessary for USA like Mosharaf……….. In political govt, political ruler cannot take bold steps like Mosharaf, Zialuhaq. so Army is coming. be ready for it…………

    • We like Army instead of this type of democracy but Army chief must be like Ayub Khan or Zia-ul-haq not Yahyah or Musharf

  10. Cheers guys! PPP should be worried about how they will be structured in future! their Leadership is already half way to the same god which they are so inclined to serve! other important issues of people concerns should also come under discussion

    1. Why Zardari/Galani allowed CIA to establish a network inside Pakistan which help them decrease their dependancy on ISI
    2. Why 700 visa are given to CIA
    3. Why these 700 people got arms without custom checks

    Zardari government was built on the demand of CIA in return to economic meltdown and increased economic dependecy on America, which they used well to twist arm of Pakistan army, support/unleash TTP to kill innocent Pakistanis and reduce economic opportunity of Pakistan to grow like India and China.

    A conspiracy is planned against Pakistan which Zardari government is part of …. infact they are subject to article 6 for selling future of nukes, killing innocent Pakistans and deliberately melt down the economy

    • Dear! not 700 visas this bloody govt. of PPP has given them more than 15000 visas for CIA and Black water operatives and even on the last day of Hussain Haqqani in america, he issued 400 visas to CIA operatives without informing our agencies. He has accepted many times in his interviews for soft visa policy for Americans.

  11. Pakistan Army is indeed a threat to the unity of Pakistan along with PPP. Army wants to drive Pakistan on its on way.

    • it is the Pakistan army who is giving its blood to nation. They die for us but we don’t care for their sacrifices and a nation who doesn’t admire its hero’s can’t prosper. Without Pak-Army how can we defend our country from India and from our other enemies? But its very easy to make comments sitting in your drawing room with a cup of tea. Have you ever thought about those who spend their nights and days for securing our borders so we can sleep easily in our rooms but they are living under the blue sky. People like you are really shameless.

  12. Kiani, Pasha & IMC should not go home. They have not taken any wrong step rather supported democracy. At the same time they discourage all steps of Govt against national interest, that why memogate was initiated. If they were removed then it means Govt achieved the objective of memogate.

    • Very well said. There is no need for them to go home. PPP is crying thief when they are caught redhandded themselves.

  13. PMRO is a UK based organisation committed to helping achieve the equal rights for the Tehrik-i-Taliban
    in the World; through lobbying in the UK & overseas; and hence contributing toward tolerance, justice and prosperity in Pakistan.

    (i) to highlight the discrimination and injustice towards Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan.
    (ii) to conduct research on socio-economic and political issues concerning Tehrik-i-Taliban and disseminate it for creating conscientization.
    (ii) Lobbying while Partnering with others for propagating the plight of Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan.
    (iii) to analyse papers/reports/documents relevant to Tehrik-i-Taliban prepared by various Governments and International NGOs.
    (iv) to encourage leadership potential amongst Tehrik-i-Taliban
    in and from UK.
    (v) to engage & influence the UK & international media about the issues of discrimination against Tehrik-i-Taliban in Pakistan.

  14. •Zardar’s life is like an onion. Why his life is like an onion? Because you peel away layer after layer and when you come to the end you have nothing.
    •Life is not a static thing. The only people who do not change their minds are incompetents, live in asylums and ends in cemeteries.
    >>“He reminds me of the man who murdered both his parents, and then when sentence was about to be pronounced pleaded for mercy on the grounds that he was an orphan”

  15. Stop guys
    PPP Should Go HOme
    And ISI and ARMY Should Take Hold
    Because Democracy Is just Filth Nothing else
    We DOn't Want Any Democracy Like This

  16. Yes heads must roll, but let the PPP start this clean up from within, with people like Babar Awan, Ahmed Mukhtar, Raja Ashraf, Pir Mazhar, Jatoi, Raja Riaz etc and cronies like Hussain Haroon, Wajid Shamsul Hassan, Obaid Jatoi, Nadeem Yousafzai etc. Only when PPP is on a moral high ground, can it ask for the resignations of those generals who refuse to submit to civilian supremacy.

  17. Kayani, Pasha & Chaudhry must be booted out. They are players in an international conspiracy against Pakistan and are security risk.

  18. MEMO GATE IS already a virtual reality,investigate,parliament inquiring,SCP hearing the case,Hakani resignes etc.Therefor this GEN pasha stories are malafide the way these are aired by PPP-Z and its pliant media supported by MQM etc.NO inquiry and no proof .Defamation on PPPZ,media must be instituted for 20O billionRS.

  19. Yeh sab k sab gadar hy mulk k saly jis main khaty hy aus main hi cheed . En ko too kisi chook main khara ker k fire mar doo . Army is doing his best to save pak …

  20. Deewanay ka khuab hay COAS, Chief Justice aur ISI Chief ko sack karna….dekhtay rahen kab ab kon jata ha,,,,,,is mulk kay dushman ya is mulk kay muhafiz.

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