Our cops get to learn some of that CSI stuff!


With American support, the police of Sindh and Balochistan would surely meet the extraordinary challenges while curbing terrorist activities including bomb blasts, US Consul General in Karachi William Martin said on Friday.
The consul general was speaking at the concluding ceremony of a ‘post-blast evidence recovery training’ course for Sindh police arranged by the US Department of Justice.
“I am so very pleased to be here to recognise the growing partnership between the US government and the Sindh and Balochistan police,” he said. “I know firsthand the challenges that brave men and women of the police force face every day.  It is our hope that through better equipment and modern training, the police can better meet the extraordinary challenges they face,” he added. “Through the course you just completed, we hope to counter the devastation in both property and lives of criminal acts of bombing.  Bombs are indiscriminate killers that know no age, religion or nationality of the victim.”
Martin said that bombs are cowardly terrorists’ weapons of choice and the course has provided police with the knowledge on how to conduct a bombing investigation through the utilisation of law enforcement assets. 
“You learned how to collect and preserve evidence from a bombing scene for forensic examination. With this knowledge we hope you can bring the criminals to justice and help prevent the perpetration of further bombings,” he added.  “I want to recognise the incredible heroism of the police represented here.  Through your courage, dedication and professionalism, you are helping to build a nation based on the rule of law.  You bring justice and hope to us all.”
The consul general also said with the continued support from the US government, greater peace can be brought throughout the community and a safer environment can be provided to the children.
He said that peace and security in Sindh and Balochistan will open many economic and commercial opportunities and attract the much-needed foreign investment. 
“There should be no doubt that the rule of law and peaceful stability in Pakistan will empower private investors to create jobs and provide energy and infrastructure to the people of this great country.  The people deserve nothing less,” he added.