Pakistan Today

Change for better Pakistan

Pakistan faces biggest threat from within by those forces who insist on maintaining status quo on the much distorted pretext of state security and rhetoric to save a system, which has only damaged this country economically and socially. The elite of this country must accept that whatever they are, inclusive of their assets, are because of opportunities provided them by Pakistan. It is time they do something for this country by bringing back their assets instead of mere lip service.

Much hope is being pinned on Imran Khan, given benefit of doubt, especially in view of his projects like a cancer hospital and a university located in Mianwali. However, for over 50 years, Pakistan’s resources have been depleted by an executive and an establishment dominated by mediocrity.

Either it is the cronies of a military dictator or of our ruling political elite that have systematically destroyed and pilfered every state corporation and institution. Instead of rule of law, the country has been enslaved to the whims of individuals such as Ayub Khan, Yahya Khan, Zia-ul-Haq, Musharraf, Benazir and Nawaz Sharif.

Change can only come about if this country is not considered as a fiefdom, whose institutions and assets could be exploited by cronies and turncoats.



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