Veena slams death threats from ‘stone age’ Pakistan


Veena Malik has hit out at the ‘stone age’ attitudes in her home country Pakistan over the death threats she received after she allegedly posed nude for the cover of FHM magazine. She claims the magazine airbrushed out the thong she was wearing. But her appearance has led to accusations of betraying her country; her father has disowned her, and she has received death threats. A text message sent to local journalists by ISI’s public relations machinery complained that the affair was “the height of humiliation for Pakistan, on Indian soil”. Veena has all along accused FHM of morphing her photos. The actor and the magazine have been suing each other for three million pounds in a bitter exchange of lawsuits.
She has also hit out at the “stone age” attitudes in her country and argued that no one is willing to hear her side of the story. “If some mullah on the TV today says shoot the girl, they will shoot me. But the guy who removed my clothes using some technology, at least say something against him,” the Guardian quoted her as saying. “This attitude, I’m sorry, is in the society. When they say they have become modern, grown up, that’s wrong. They still live in the stone age,” she said. The actress said that she was wearing the bottom half of a bikini during the photo shoot and denied that she was even topless, as her hands were hiding her assets. “My choice was a bikini shoot. And I did a bikini shoot. They removed my bikini, later on. It was not a topless, and not a nude, shoot. It was a completely covered shoot,” she said. “When the upper portion of the model is completely covered, by the hands, you can’t call it topless,” she added.


  1. Yeah right, when you lose all sense of decency and revel in your immorality, criticizing that’s called adopting a “stone age” mindset? Brainless drivel !!

  2. Dear Miss Slut of Pakistan, The Question is that prior we witnessed seeing u in Big Boss Shows and men lying upon u all the night, later on u confessed that ISI tatoo was upon ur approval, later on a grenade clip holding in ur teeth for defaiming ISI, I know u r using indian media and ur target is hollywood.

  3. she has not only insulted my favourite ISI but also every Pakistani woman!! she must be stoned to death!!! this is what i say being a Pakistani daughter!!!

  4. She must think about the prestige of her parents, country & religion. Her actions condemned by every one including her father & relatives.

  5. Her target is not Hollywood or Bollywood – her target is porn-o-wood! lols. Get a life Veena – girls in our cities are free to drive, wear tight jeans, sleeveless shirts and skirts. But only some "kind" go nude – and they are in a specific biz called the oldest profession. You're in it – you my friend are the one in the stone age. We have extremists yes just like India does where Gujarat is a dry state and in Bangalore, they shut down "bar girl dance clubs" ok miss stone age? Looking forward to you pairing up with Sunny Leone! That will be Indo-Pak dosti – LOLSS. You are a cartoon – "I was covering my top with my hands and they removed my thong – thats not nude" My God you are hilarious – I am sure everyone at the shoot had a great time – sick.

  6. This dirty shameless female has gotten enough publicity. Both the media home and across the border have succeeded in giving her the attention she is always desperately seeking. She is outrageous… Not at all attractive and the frustrated and perverted men who seek pleasure from such scantily clad women are equally to blame. I pity the women we really care about for the indecency they are led to suffer because of the attitude of these women. The dogs can’t differentiate between a bone and a leg. I would be the last one to feel sorry for her if she is killed at the hands of extremists. And by the way… If they did put some strokes of airbrush in these images as I am certain they did… It was only to add more curves where they should be and to remove the excess flab from where it shouldn’t be hanging. Veena Malik is far from perfect. She’s just a dirty used and probably infected vile peace of meat.

  7. Oh gosh, guys, stop being so pathetic … Abdullah, your comment really shows that you are still living in the stone age. She is a grown up woman who can make her own decisions and if she wants to be cheap and show her body to everyone, let her do what she likes. It doesn’t hurt anyone but herself. And Asad, maybe the news about the chained and beaten madrasa students in Karachi haven’t reached you yet, but there are worse things happening in Pakistan than a woman taking of her clothes and posing in front of a camera. Why is it a deadly insult if someone “degrades” Pakistan’s “name”, but people in your own country can beat 8-year old children, chain them on their hands and feets and refuse to give them food by declaring them drug addicts???

    • Listen Maria I agree, we shouldn't be bothered of what she's doing to herself in present world but keeping point of view, question arises of painting ISI Tatoo and a handgernade in hand, don't you think is questionable?

  8. Veena made a decision to have those photos taken and released. Tough luck people, deal with it. It’s quite sad that our media and general public have given her all this attention, which she craves and enjoys. What people need to understand is she represents herself! She does not represent “Muslims” and does not represent “Pakistan” so there is no need to call her names or ask to have her citizenship revoked. She chose to do something, and that’s her right as an individual which should be respected, regardless of how controversial it may be. However, when she claims to “defend” Women’s Rights and claims to be a “strong woman” that’s where she crosses the line. The real issue with Veena is the fact she hides behind the curtain of “liberalism” and being a “strong woman”. She is NOT a strong woman at all. Coming from a country where women have recently found their own voice, this is nothing but a set back. There was huge applause from our general public when women were allowed to join the Pakistan Air Force, a huge applause when our Women’s Cricket Team won Gold at the Asian Games. There are plenty of fashion shows in Pakistan and women designers. There are women politicians (almost half the Members of Parliament are women). There are numerous women in music, media and now they are outnumbering men in medical and engineering schools, and all this within one decade. The message she is sending young teenage Pakistani girls is disgraceful and a set back to all those Pakistani women who have worked so hard to gain an equal voice in Pakistan. Let’s leave Veena alone and stop giving her importance. If she wants to embarrass herself, let her…it’s her life.

  9. Wow, most of the comments on here only prove those who oppose islam to be correct. The photo was clearly photo shopped regardless. Look at her right shoulder. I'll be passing this article along and encouraging people to check out these comments in order to prove how intolerant and oppressive towards women islam really is. Thanks, most of you for the help.

  10. “If some mullah on the TV today says shoot the girl, they will shoot me. But the guy who removed my clothes using some technology, at least say something against him,”

    Nothing the worry guys, She went for cheap fame and she will get nothing but humiliation n disrespect.

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