In his historical speech at Lahore, Imran Khan had rightly started with the Quranic prayer, seeking Allah’s guidance for the success of his mission to end the present endemic corruption, which is the most important element in the present bad governance.
This has been proved during the past six decades that the parliamentary system, borrowed from the 1935 Act of the British colonials, is the root cause of political corruption and unsuitable in the present environment. The costly election itself leads to the urge to reclaim the investment in election through foul means of corruption.
This is apart from the fact that it is repugnant to the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet and his first four Caliphs who adopted the Islamic presidential system, appointing ministers and governors on pure merit of high reputation and capabilities and not on the highest votes and support of the corrupt people. If you depend on the opinion of all peoples, including non-believers and even mischief mongers, they will surely take you to the wrong path.
Thus, the only way left to end corruption to save Pakistan from its present poor condition of a failed state is to implement the Islamic presidential system which is easily possible through Article 2A of the Constitution of Pakistan itself, without requiring any amendment.