Pakistan Today

‘Kaptaan’ counting on his ‘saint among sinners’ reputation

For a man who has been dubbed as the “Kaptaan”, it makes sense that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan is the one trying to take the lead in bringing clarity to the muddy waters of our corruption-laced politics. By declaring his assets, he has certainly further boosted his rising popularity. Already an icon for his young followers, his latest move would do a world of good to him. He has his weaknesses, of course. But he is counting on the fact that he is considered by many as a saint among sinners. The credibility of the leaders of other political parties, especially those belonging to the ruling party, has sunk to new depths. Their reputations are tainted and that is where Khan is drawing his strength from.
Our media unearths cases of the government’s involvement in corruption and nepotism almost every day. In fact, many TV hosts even claim that the current government is perhaps the most corrupt ever in the country’s history. Our media has a tendency towards exaggeration and gets carried away at times, but not all that is doled out is untrue. The PTI chief has asked Asif Ali Zardari and Nawaz Sharif, the top honchos of their political parties, to declare their assets as well. It is unlikely that Zardari would feel the pinch. Dealing with corruption charges for so long, he is too ‘battle-hardened’ for such ‘trivial’ matters now. Besides, he has a bunch of cronies to respond on his behalf.
As for Sharif, he will surely take this seriously, particularly because it is his territory that Khan has set his eyes on.

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