Gaffe or honest admission?


In an attempt to showcase the government’s stern reaction to the NATO airstrikes in Mohmand Agency, Federal Defence Minister Ahmed Mukhtar inadvertently confirmed age-old rumours of the US using Pakistani airbases for its clandestine drone operations, saying the government would take over Shamsi airbase at all cost and “no drone would be allowed to fly from Pakistan”. Mukhtar told reporters after attending a convocation in Islamabad that no compromise would be made on the country’s sovereignty and the Defence Committee of Cabinet’s (DDC) decision to get the Shamsi airbase vacated would be implemented in it true essence.
“We will not tolerate any further violation of our border… if we feel necessary, all agreements and cooperation between Pakistan and the US would be reviewed in the coming days,” the defence minister said. He said after the expiry of the deadline on December 11, the government would take over the Shamsi Airbase, adding that “Pakistan will not back down from its eviction decision”. “We are also considering stopping NATO supplies from Shahbaz Airbase,” he added.


  1. According to Washington Post Shamsi Base has not been used since April 2011. This Defence Minister has previously stated on record that we do not have the capability to shoot down a Drone. The PAF Chief has stated that they have the capability. Who do we believe?. Are we to believe this Defence Minister, whose elder brother Ahmed Saeed stated on television that his younger brother is a corrupt man?. A man who has detroyed PIA.

  2. It is better late than never.

    However the present group of politicians can not take credit for this change of mind and emergence of assertiveness. Pakistani nation clearly understand the encouraging factor behind all this sensible talk.

    Nevertheless, as I have said it is better late than never.

    As for the present group of politicians they should start packing because they will soon be replaced by other younger and more energetic younger politicians. The losses this group of politicians have brought to Pakistan are phenomenal. Whether it is the government in the centre or the province of Punjab, there is no difference.

    The government in KPH (previously NWFP) tops in correction. The governance in Baluchistan is appalling.

    Pakistan International Airline (PIA), Pakistan Railways (PR), Pakistan Steel Mills (PSM) including most major corporations of this country are in the red. The agreements done to secure Rental Power Plants against the directions of Asian Development bank

    The persons responsible must not be allowed to escape. (Like Monis Illhai has done lately). They should all be brought to justice

  3. Web admin can you take heed. there is no reason to delete letter which comes after E.
    It is some what of a funny situation one can write E but not F which gets converted in to a *.

  4. Since 1980 when late General Zia ul Haq signed the nation on ad hoc basis to Uncle Sam inorder to fight his proxy war in Afghanistan,no written agreement under International law has been signed with any foreign government regarding the territorial use of Pakistan's soil for specific or general purpose. The present government has been following a hogwash policy. Any statement in this regard given by this government should be taken with a pinch of salt or just shrug your shoulders and play either the theme from Bridge on River Kwai or When the Saints come Marching in!

  5. AFter dOING greatest DAMAGE NOW YOU TAKE pseudo Stance to SAve your goVERNMENT AND do repair damage of Your total sUBmission to usa,uk,india,nato.

  6. Listening to this man I can say he is no Albert Speer of Pakistan. In fact I doubt if he is lucid and may be a borderline senility case. Does the Army need to have such people around?

  7. Would that the Pakistan should be sound and solid,as U.S.A is not a faithful friend.It is just like that `a friend in need is a friend in Deal `.It is absolutely rubbish to believe in U.S.A`freidship.Bcoz that so-called friend never came forward to help for Pakistan in cases of 1965 war,1971 uprise and so-called campaign by india in that separation of East Pakistan from us and there are more occassions

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