The attack


What US needs to do

That the killing of 24 Pakistani troops in a NATO attack is too serious a matter to be ignored is being increasingly recognised even by the US administration and military high command. Obama has called the incident tragic, and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey has conceded that Pakistani side has reason to be furious. Meanwhile, CENTCOM has appointed an air force general to head a probe into the NATO strike inviting Pakistan and Afghanistan to participate.

Pakistan has taken up the issue at both the political and diplomatic levels. First of all, the government has decided to boycott the Bonn conference that was due to take place in Afghanistan next month. Prime Minister Gilani has told the CNN that there would be no more business as usual after the NATO attack. Foreign Minister Khar has talked on telephone to her Chinese and Russian counterparts who have condemned the NATO action and demanded enquiry. The ISPR spokesman has rejected the initial claim that the attack followed firing from the Pakistan side and has demanded proof. The latest military account from the US side is that the deaths of the Pakistani soldiers resulted from mistaken identity with the implication that the NATO might have been lured into the attack by the militants.

Even while the dispute has raised tensions Pakistan has acted with maturity. During the two hours taken by the NATO strikes, its army and air force could have initiated a tit for tat encounter. Instead, there was no fire from Pakistan’s side. The US too needs to display a similar sense of responsibility. Both countries have to realise that they share highly vital common goals, fighting terrorism being the most urgent at this stage. Further that they cannot hope to win the war without mutual cooperation. The enquiry ordered by the CENTCOM has to be honest and convincing. Meanwhile, formal apologies have to be offered from the highest US and NATO quarters. NATO also owes Pakistan reparations for the incident. Washington has to offer iron clad guarantees that incidents of the sort violating Pakistan’s sovereignty would never occur in future. Pakistan meanwhile should press the issue and record its protest at all forums.


  1. Deceiver US and NATO ever said ,that incidents of the sort violating Pakistan,s sovereignty would never occur in future. Air strike pilots must be handed to Pakistan for investigation .

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