Pakistan Today

NATO’s strike

Enough is enough. It’s high mourning time in Pakistan as our 40 soldiers are hit by forces for which they laid more than thousands of lives. The latest attack by NATO forces on our post must be reverted with serious repercussions as they without any reason attacked on our post and killed our soldiers.

There is absolutely no excuse for this act and nothing can repair the loss of our innocent brothers. Mind boggling reality is that despite a very clear and timely exchange of ‘posts deployment map’ to them, they keep attacking us again and again. Further on regular basis, their foreign secretaries, ambassadors and army personnel hold unscheduled meetings with our top ranked rubber stamp leaders and dictate them the agenda against the will of Pakistanis.

History is a great teacher, so if these self-proclaimed leaders do not take moral from history, and still think they are doing some democratic work by endorsing such unjust acts of foreign intrusion, then they should be prepared to face even worse results.

Being a common citizen and seeing the public opinion, I think the US-Pakistan relations were already reeling from a tumultuous year that saw the bin Laden raid, the jailing of a CIA contractor, Aafia Siddique’s ruthless conviction, blasphemy of Quran and regular drone attacks etc. We must also devise a bold strategy to counterattack and immediately make a defence block with the neighbouring powers and peaceful pro-Pakistan Taliban.



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