‘Zindagi To Hum Bhi Hain’ a visual treat


In an era dominated by colour, saturation and hue, 39K gallery takes the initiative of exploring life from black and white lens. Founded and run by Abdullah Qureshi, 39K is known for introducing new talent and as the originator puts it, “We provide a project space for artists. We invest our energy in finding new people and introducing them.” Keeping up with this tradition, their latest exhibition ‘Zindagi To Hum Bhi Hain’ showcases works of 7 unique photographers:
Umair Ghani, an internationally famed photographer who is the brain behind the exhibition feels that colours can be overwhelming, “when we suck the colours out of a photograph and see it in black and white then we begin to see the heart and soul of the picture.” Umair also feels that one has to be very courageous to work with black and white, “ you have to bring in something very engaging and intense- something which grabs you from the collar and says ‘look at me’” With this exhibition, Umair aims to bring revival of classical medium of photography.
From the bubble maker to an abaya clad lady preparing to have ice-cream and a mosque showing how sects are concealing the true essence of religion, Umair Ghani demonstrates excellence as he captures everyday people in an extraordinary way. Rabbania Shirjeel, a student of fine arts admits that she wasn’t exactly working around a concept, “I just took my camera along and clicked it on my way. Umair encouraged led me to polish my work.” Rabbania captured idle people on the streets, “We tend to ignore these people, but the fact remains that they signify life too.” Rabbania now plans to continue photography alongside pursuing her aspiration of becoming a textile designer.
Shazia Husain, an international photographer who won the gold medal in 2007 from Photographic Society of America and has had her work displayed in UK and USA portrays life in a rather unique way. While the other photographers capture people, Shazia’s pictures illustrate life in landscapes. She believes, “in peace and in nature. I feel that as humans we are not as connected to nature as we should be. All of us seek peace in our surrounding and I have tried to provide an escape from the violent images by my photography.”
Asher Imtiaz brings forth the livelier aspects of life in his photography. He highlights the dance, fun, innocence and beauty of life by capturing a dancing dervish, musician malang and a charming child among others. Asher strongly feels, “When there is no commercialism involved, you carry out photography with a different mood altogether.” He feels that good photography involves, “a little bit of skill combined with luck and commitment to photography”. He further adds, “It’s not about how cool a camera is but it’s rather about capturing a particular moment.”
Raj Jalal who has been in this field for 11 years beautifully captures the joys of people on the streets, “I’ve mostly taken portraits and my photographs are self-explanatory. They speak for themselves.” Two of his pictures which are sure to make you smile include one where a child is holding a fake currency but enjoying it as if it were real and another one which shows a child with a mischievous smile; tongue curled up and a running nose. Raj feels that a photographer must know some basic technicalities, but the rest of the skill comes with experience.
Sharjeel Anzar takes photography as a hobby, “When I see a subject or a scene I instantly form a mental picture as to whether it would look better in coloured or black and white. Sometimes the result of images from black and white photography is better than when one sees it with naked eye.” Sharjeel brings some amazing photographs to the exhibition capturing various activities: classical dance performer, a foggy night in Murree, lovers at a beach in Karachi and women running their errands on a regular day in Cholistan.
Javed Chawla captures the pot making process in different lights and different moods. He recalls capturing scenes in black and white during the pre-digital photography era using his enlarger and chemicals in a dark room to develop pictures. Dr Javed confesses, “Black and white photography fascinates me more than coloured photography.”

‘Zindagi To Hum Bhi hain’ will continue until November 29 at 39K Model Town from 10:00am till 7:00pm.


  1. definately a treat to watch , who did not attend missed something, great qork especially Rabbania Shirjheel work was a class apart.

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