Imran Khan: playboy to PM?


The road to Imran Khan’s palatial spread in the hills above Islamabad is a perfect metaphor for his vision of his political career: twisty and potholed, but ending in a grand estate.
Alone in the beginning but now surrounded by smaller buildings, the house itself is cool and pleasant, with Mughal-era swords arrayed on a coffee table and two playful dogs – one a German Shepherd named Sheru – romping about the carefully manicured lawn. “I built this house,” Khan said as he sat on the shaded veranda eyeing the sweeping vista overlooking the city. “There was nothing here. It was scrub jungle all around. There was only a dirt track here.”
For Khan, creating something from nothing could be the slogan for a much-checkered life. A graduate from Oxford and very much a man-about-town in London in the late 1970s, he became one of the world’s most admired cricketers. He was captain of Pakistan’s team of talented but wayward stars and, with many whispers of autocracy, led them to win cricket’s World Cup for the first and only time in 1992.
After years of fund-raising, Khan opened a cancer hospital in the memory of his mother in his native Lahore in 1994. He is a conservative Muslim but was married to a Jewish heiress and then divorced, joined politics and for years been somewhat of a joke in Pakistan’s unruly democracy.
But in the past 15 years, through sheer force of will and a reputation for personal integrity, he has gone from political punch line to a superstar now attracting heavy-hitting politicians to his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf. He – and a lot of other people – believe he could very well be Pakistan’s next prime minister.
Khan’s confidence stems from what he sees as a tsunami of support for the PTI in Pakistan as traditional parties falter amid charges and counter-charges of corruption and petty jealousies. But Khan remains relatively untested. In the last 15 years, his party has only briefly held one seat in parliament – his. He does not openly criticise the military but in a book on Pakistani politics published in September, he walks the line, saying, “Only a credible government can save and strengthen the Pakistan army by making sure it stays within its constitutional role. We have no other choice, in order to survive, we have to make Pakistan a genuine democracy.”
It may be all pie-in-the-sky, but Khan, 58, is nothing if not charismatic. Still athletic and craggily handsome with darting eyes and an intense demeanour, he can rarely sit still for long. He fidgets and twists, almost as if he were about to leap to his feet and launch into his fearsome pace bowling. And articulate he does. In an interview, Khan quickly lists Pakistan’s very serious economic problems: electricity shortages, crumbling railways, a crisis in education, massive unemployment and endemic corruption.
“We’ve hit rock bottom,” he said. “It doesn’t get worse than this, where to qualify for any position of important public office, you have to have committed a crime.”
For Khan, the current government headed by Asif Ali Zardari, the widower of Khan’s old Oxford classmate Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated in 2007 after returning to Pakistan from self-imposed exile, is the most corrupt government Pakistan has ever seen. Transparency International, which listed Pakistan as the 143rd most corrupt country in its 2010 corruption index, might agree.
As such, Khan believes in a fresh start for Pakistan, a country that, like his home above Islamabad, is a jungle ready to be cleared out and made anew. He believes Pakistan should wipe out the past and rebuild from a clean slate, with he as architect-in-chief.
“You only get out of this by a complete U-turn and what we call a New Pakistan.”
He is calling not only for a new government, but a new political order, one based on what he says are the real ideals of Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Instead of fighting the Taliban militants, Khan said, Pakistan should enter into dialogue with them. He says if he were in power, he could end militancy in 90 days.
A senior Taliban commander and spokesman laughed off this idea and said they would continue the fight. “He is, in fact, living in a fool’s paradise,” the commander said.
And yet, Khan is no fundamentalist. The idealised Islamic state he says he would build in Pakistan would focus on justice, fairness and equality for all its citizens before the law. It would, above all, be “humane”.
Khan often veers between shrewd political calculations – “as a political party, you can’t rule out alliances” – and what seems to be naive idealism.
His plan to raise revenue for Pakistan is to “inspire” people to pay their taxes through his personal example and somehow rooting out all corruption, boosting the country’s pitiful tax-to-GDP ratio of about 10 percent, one of the lowest in the world.
Some of the parties he has associated himself with in the past are notably lacking in democratic and liberal bona fides, such as the conservative Jamaat-e-Islami, which has cheered the murder of blasphemers and campaigned against laws that would grant women and religious minorities equal status to Muslims.
But how might Khan do in the election? Given the current flux in Pakistani politics, few analysts would hazard a guess. Many think he could split the right-leaning, nationalist vote currently dominated by PML-N President Nawaz Shari and keep Zardari’s Pakistan People’s Party in power.
“He seems to have inspired more people to join the political process,” said Brian Katulis, a senior fellow at the Centre for American Progress in Washington. “But to date, his political organization has seemed weak and not well managed, particularly in contrast to his charity.”
Khan himself believes his time has come. “I have this very clear vision, as I say in the book,” he said. “This has been a 15-year struggle which no one has conducted in Pakistan before. And now I feel I’m closer to my destiny.”


  1. Sports figure is stigmatized all through their careers and than when they fade out or retire from the sports everything kind of washes itself with the passage of time. Imran belongs to District Mianwali and when Alexander entered sub-continent, after invading and conquering the entire north camped by the river near Mianwali. Mixed marriages took place and since than the people from Mianwali look like Greeks. Imran very much looks like one and if Hollywood star Linda Ronstadtt can be with Greek famous pianist, and all of us enjoy a ghazal by Iqbal Bano or Surriya Multaniker here and there, I guess Imran being the top Cricketer in the world qualifies to get his share of glamour. Actually for PTI and Imran this is not the time to even comment on these baseless claims by the opponents, but this priority should be to focus on the treasury of the PTI funds for the elections. PPP, PML(N) and PML(Q) has a lot of money, even ANP and MQM are financially sound. Imran and PTI leaders should hold fund raisers to if not match these very solid parties atleast come close their wealth. Party funds will play a big roll in the coming elections in the country. Good Luck PTI and Imran Khan.

    • Imran Khan 'The Play Boy' ! – My Dear friends, 'THIS; PLAY BOY'..has DONE for the Country..What no other so-called respected politician has ever done Imran Khan ,first brought home the the very much cherished 'World Cup'..then he 'alone'..went on to , making the Shaukat Khanum Hospital…the the Namal University. They say that 'ONE with Majority !…and this was proved ,with the example of Imran Khan,
      People are now saying that Imran Khan needs 'Alliances' ..if he wants to go forward..I ask a simple question , 'Where were the Alliances' , when the Khan made the Cancer Hospital, and the Namal University ? – All other parties compose of Pakistanis Young Boys and Girls, whose energies and intellect we will need in the future, I request all these Boys and Girls, to see the light and to look into their Futures !..and follow the LIGHT into a new Dawn ! Imran Khan has a vision , and is only asking the Youth of today to muster together and make The Pakistan , we all dream of, a reality.Imran Khan dows not have funds..they say ! But,Funds for What ?..If all of the Boys and Girls join together, a the Polling Station, that alone would be the DEPOSIT ,Imran Khan really requires !- All OTHER partries are going into the Election on the back of the SPOILS they have grabbed from the people of Pakistan ! None of the leaders of any political party can match the 'GRIT' , Courage or Will power of Imran Khan ! So I say to the Young and Old citizens of this Country, GET UP ,Support the Khan…and get to the Ballot boxes.where lies the future and destiny of PAKISTAN !

    • Mr. Michael Warner just one correction. Imran's ancestors migrated from Afghanistan and settled in Mianwali. He is from Niazi Clan.

      So this Greek — cross marriage thing in Mianwali is a false statement.

    • Get your facts right, Alexander entered sub-continent through Attock and not Mianwali,and don't try to impress with fake western name(just be yourself) because it won't make you anymore important than what you are ….!!

  2. Pakistani nation has tested all leaders. Unfortunately nobody is trustworthy. All so called leaders are corrupt and thieves. They are ruling the country only to steal money. Imran is the last hope of this country. We can not afford to see him failed.

    God bless you Imran.

  3. Imran Khan lived in a small house. After completing Shaukat Khanum Hospital by collecting donations, he lives in a sprawling 300 kanal estate in Islamabad. He again and again says that politicians's assets & life style before entering political position and after leaving that position must be compared. Imran does not pass the test himself. Sometimes he says he bought the 300 kanal estate and sometimes he declares it a gift from Jemima. One wonders, if he became Prime Minister, what will he do to our national exchequer?

    • So you think Zardari or Ganjas's are the best option? People like you have taken this nation to these lows.

    • God bless Pakistan IK politics is very complicated , some times he is with the rightists & with the liberals . The objective is to achieve Power & Absolute Power like many !!

  4. Imran khan lived in an above average house in Zaman Park. But how he was able to build a 300 kanal house in Islamabad, is beyond comprehension.

  5. Arif Nizami (Editor)
    4-Shaarey Fatima Jinnah, Lahore
    Ph: 042-36298305-10 Fax: 042-36298302
    Email: [email protected]

    I just went on your website for the first time with hopes of reading about what’s happening in Pakistan and extremely disappointed to see “from playboy to PM”? I am sure you are not a saint yourself. Besides who gives you a right to call someone any cheeky title just because you heard it? well applause to you mate because your website can’t handle facts and prints what they “hear”? Let’s just suppose worst comes to worst and he was a playboy, it’s between him and his Creater, the all mighty, when He(SWT) says I am merciful and can forgive anyone even if they have commited enough sins that if you write them in books and stalk them on top of each other and they start touching the sky. Are you also going to mention that he is the first person to start the cancer research? the only politician in today’s Pakistan with an Oxford degree? the only person to start a new educational system? the only person to be a Chancellor of a British University, or the only politician at this moment in time who remains in the country when he isn’t in power? No you wouldn’t I’ll be amazed if you did, because you have sold your sole to a few dollars. Then you moan all day long that Pakistan is this Pakistan is that when all you are busy pulling each others legs than actually doing something? As they say it’s easier said than done.


    • Waqas,

      I have read the above article with a cool head and find no reason to be so angry. Even Imran Khan (who is exposed to the Western journalism) will not object to what is written above. I really don't know why people in Pakistan have lost touch with common practices like decent conversation and argument.

      The above is a balanced article, probably more favouring Imran Khan than criticising him. Imran Khan was a playboy in his youth, and deep down he is proud of himself in that role. Now, he is contending for the top slot in the country, and if he has the right support, he will get it. Let us remain civil and decent in our conversations and comments. Whether Imran Khan becomes PM or not is an important debate, but more important is the way we conduct our speech and communications on public fora like this.

      Humayon Dar

  6. It's a vain attempt to win something for Nawaz Sharif. To stimulate ever shrinking "popularity" – if he ever had- Nawaz Sharif must come up with something better and should not use old tactics of having unleashed a character assasination campeign against Imran Khan like he has always in the media against PPP and its leadership. He must know it well Imran is not Zardari. Imran has widespread popularity and acceptability as a leader. His popularity is growing. And masses are turning to him quite in large number.

    The decades old Sharif family rule is declining. Its coming down with no chance to survive this time around.


  7. You should not use the word playboy. This is digging some body's personal past and they may have changed you should see heim how he has been since entering the politics. He has been an honest and moral person. As far as the house is concerned you can still buy land around this region for reasonable price if there is no development. Imran khan is lucky that what land he bought and built in undeveloped area for 700,000 thousand pounds is worth a lot more now. I am worried that due to some idiots this country may loose a life time opportunity in shape of Imran Khan. I would like to help the people of Pakistan for sake of God but if they do not open their eyes no body can help them, I am a European citizen so if you wreck your country by bringing corrupt leaders again and again I am not a looser but you people are.

  8. Khan is not only a great crickete and,marvellous captain but a great person indeed.He did a lot of work on humentarian ground & he wants to do a lot in future also for his countrymen.I am very worried that due to some illiterates this country may loose once again golden opportunity in shape of Imran khan.
    > Need is to be more energetic for country.

  9. I have question for all those people who cannot seem to forget Imran Khan's colorful past and incessantly criticize him for it.

    Are you suggesting that veteran politicians such as Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Shahbaz Sharif, Khar and the political scion Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, have impeccable character?

    We know that inspite of Imran Khan's playboy past, when he did tie the knot with Jemima Khan, he mended his ways and never cheated on her. However, can you claim the same for the Zardis, Sharifs and the Khars?

    So GET OVER IT already!

    It is true that ONCE UPON A TIME when Imran Khan was bachelor, he was a playboy however, his conduct in last 17 years has shown that it is no longer the case anymore. Whereas, 20 years of Bhutto-Zardari-Sharif-Khar "RAJ" has shown that they remained morally corrupt as before. Unfortunately, there has been no change in their looting and plundering ways. Together, this poisonous concoction of feudals and Industrialists have brought this nation down to their knees…..NO MORE!!!!

  10. I am also viewing a bright future in the eyes of Imran Khan. May Allah bless him and Pakistan with his almighty.

    Asif Janjua

  11. Shah Mehmood Qureshi's Game:
    All being manipulated by hidden hands…
    The dilemma with SMQ is that his over-ambitiousness made him commit a mistake on Raymond's case…"idhar ka raha, na udhar ka raha"
    He only did what was told to him…He got ridiculously used was for a tactical stunt spanning over just a month or so…
    And besides…would SMQ dare say who negotiated Raymond's release deal with the Americans and who manipulated the release of Raymond in the end? Why didn't SMQ bother to comment on the drop-scene of the Raymond's case??
    And…If he was so big a patriot and so principled…where was he on Dr. Aafia's case, Kerry Lugar Bill, Drone and Nato strikes?

  12. Tsnami of 'change' advances!!!


    1. He was traitor musharraf's MINISTER of state for interior for 5 years.
    2. Zafar Warraich ratified, supervised the massacre and carnage in LAL MASJID :'(
    3. He was the head of Islamabad administration and police which dragged the CHIEF JUSTICE on the constitution avenue
    4. It was under his watch that the 60 judges were house arrested…

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