Taylor Swift feels responsibility in stardom


Taylor Swift, at 21 one of the biggest stars in country music, says she considers her fame to be an awesome responsibility almost from the minute she wakes up. “I definitely think about a million people when I am getting dressed in the morning,” the singer-songwriter with the supermodel looks told the CBS news magazine ‘60 Minutes’ in an interview. “That’s just part of my life now. I think it’s my responsibility to know it and to be conscious of it.”
She added it would be all too easy, as a star, to deny any impact on her audience: “The truth of it is that every singer out there with songs on the radio is raising the next generation – so make your words count.” Swift – who collected her second career entertainer of the year trophy at the Country Music Awards last week – scores her eighth top-10 debut in the Billboard singles charts this week with ‘If This Was a Movie’.